Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tex Mex and Movies
My family got here last night about 7pm. We just sat around last night and talked before retiring. Today we went to Eckert's, which is a Farmer's market not to be confused with Eckerd's the drug store. We bought all the fixing for guacamole and salsa to go with the soft tacos for dinner.

The salsa is actually a recipe I got from one of my girlfriend. She is my little Latina from Hawaii so all her food is awesome & unique. I made extra to add to a pot of beans to turn it into bean soup. So we had ourselves a little Tex Mex spread with all the fixings. After dinner we sat down to watch "Primeval" & "Ghost Rider". I had already seen both movies but I enjoy them & I like to share my little cinema gems with others. I really have fun watching other's reactions during the good parts!
Speaking of films I watched "Dead Silence" on Thursday afternoon. I have mixed feeling about it. I think that they could have done more with what was an excellent idea. It started out great and kind of slowed down, then went BAM! like Emeril. I have to say I did not see the conclusion that they were building up to until about 2 seconds before it hit.

Puppets are one of the few things that bother me so it was already going to do a little bit of damage to my psyche.
Tomorrow we are talking about watching "The Mummy" which of course has to be followed by "The Mummy Returns". Are you starting to get that I am a really big fan of movies? Yea, just a bit. Well I am off to bed. I have to get up to make breakfast for my crew in the morning. I am sure Rory will get me up early. He is so excited to have so many people devoted to him. We don't spoil him though :0)
Friday, June 29, 2007
WIndex, & Swiffer, & Lysol OH MY!
Mom will be back from Texas tonight. Yay! Yes my mother and I are Gilmore Girls close. Sickening isn't it? She is being brought home by my Aunt B and Grandmother so I will have a small house full for a few days. I love to play hostess so this is really not a bad thing for me. The only part that I find distasteful is that I must now turn my usual neat mess into a spotless shrine before they get here. Thank goodness it takes over 10 hours to get here! I am sure by the end of the day the chemicals in all of the various cleaners will have reduced my brain to this...

Currently I am being treated to Elmo's World courtesy of my munchkin. It will be over soon but do not fear for he has an Elmo vacuum cleaner to make all the appropriate noises for him. He really does love him some Elmo. We also like The Backyardigans, Jack's Big Music Show, The Upside Down Show, and (unfortunately) The Wonder Pets. J introduced the Wonder Pets on accident. I try to keep any cartoon that drives be bonkers out of circuit but alas my plan failed. Le sigh.
Think our T.V. is big enough?
Well I got to run. The domestic fairy does not stop at my house so I have to do it myself. If I ever find the domestic fairy I am going to tie and anchor to her wings and keep her!

Currently I am being treated to Elmo's World courtesy of my munchkin. It will be over soon but do not fear for he has an Elmo vacuum cleaner to make all the appropriate noises for him. He really does love him some Elmo. We also like The Backyardigans, Jack's Big Music Show, The Upside Down Show, and (unfortunately) The Wonder Pets. J introduced the Wonder Pets on accident. I try to keep any cartoon that drives be bonkers out of circuit but alas my plan failed. Le sigh.
Well I got to run. The domestic fairy does not stop at my house so I have to do it myself. If I ever find the domestic fairy I am going to tie and anchor to her wings and keep her!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Inane nonsense
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Electronics beware!
Nothing is working right for me today. First my Jeep was giving me lip about unlocking, stupid remote entry. Then the A/C keeps flipping the breaker after the third time I flipped it the bird. Some of my pages on the Internet won't come up or it will not show pictures. What good is a page without pictures? I feel like I am trapped in that episode of "Futurama" where Mom tells the robots to revolt against the humans.

Grrg. Where did I put that hammer...
Politicking people off
I have been asked why I rarely if ever write about politics or current events. The simplest answer is because you probably will not like what I have to say. I adore my friends who come in wide range of cultural and religious diversity. I am a lover not a fighter but I am also a conservative republican. I can hear the gasping now. My father was the republican county chairman for our hometown for several years. Politics were a big part of his life and I was toted from rally to convention. No I am not going to follow the party where ever she may roam but I do agree with the GOP most of the time. Wait until the next presidential election. That is the only time I cannot remain mum.
See the biggest problem is that I do enjoy hashing out politics, religion, economy, etc and the more opposite we are the better. I do not feel the need to change anyones views and I like to hear the reasons why others have their beliefs. A person who is strong in their convictions and can tell you why is a rare find and should be treasured. I do not get angry even if the discussion turns heated but that is not always the case with the other side. I just do not want to be left standing alone wondering "Was it something I said?"
If you want to chat it up with me then I am game. Lets debate! I won't change you, you won't change me & in the end we will know more about one another. It is all in good fun.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
When the screen fades to black
I am a huge movie fanatic. Ask my friends and they will tell you that Bridget l-o-v-e-s to watch DVDs and she knows about every movie slated for release up to 2010.
I am the first one in line at blockbuster on Tuesdays cause that is the day new movies are put on the shelf.
I have all this trivia and factoid info stored away in my brain from spending too much time on http://www.imdb.com/ (Internet movies database). Anyways the reason I bring this up is because I have been wondering what happens to specific characters after the credits roll. I know that it is a movie and nothing does but just hypothetically speaking.
Buttercup was not really a princess and Westley's only marketable skills are piracy. I guess it is back to the farm. Somehow I doubt Prince Humperdink was the forgiving sort so I can see him trying to find the man in black and kill him for the humiliation he suffered. How hard would he be to find since he is running around with a drunk Spaniard and a giant?

I am the first one in line at blockbuster on Tuesdays cause that is the day new movies are put on the shelf.
I have all this trivia and factoid info stored away in my brain from spending too much time on http://www.imdb.com/ (Internet movies database). Anyways the reason I bring this up is because I have been wondering what happens to specific characters after the credits roll. I know that it is a movie and nothing does but just hypothetically speaking.
"The Princess Bride"

The Breakfast Club

Do you really think they were all chummy at school on Monday morning? How seriously did one afternoon in detention change their lives? I like to think so.
The Lost Boys
Yeah I know I have way too much spare time.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Hot, Hotter, Hottest

I need to relocate to a cooler climate. I am originally from Texas so I know what I am talking about when I say "I'm hot."
I was home recently for a wedding and talked to two different individuals, one from Arizona the other from New Mexico, about Texas heat and they BOTH said it is way hotter in Texas. It is really the humidity that kills you. I mean you can see it rising off of the black top roads. Needless to say that my little trip home made me realize that I am not eager to move back anytime soon. I like it here in Illinois but it is still too hot in the summer. Thankfully the summers are a lot shorter and winter is nice and cold with a bitter wind. I want to go somewhere that the record high is like 77 with a breeze. Anyone know where I can find that? Maybe I need to go to Alaska.
Tell me what the weather is like where you are.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Nocturnal Habits of the Sleep Deprived.
Rory is supposed to be napping. Again. When we tried earlier he just played in his bed for the whole hour and a half he was back there. I would have left him there to eventually fall asleep since he seemed happy but we had a baby shower to attend. As it was we were already going to be late.
I know that toddlers cut back from two naps to one a day but I think my kid missed the memo. He is sure that he is not supposed to take any naps. This might work better if he slept at night. I think I went into his bedroom twelve times last night. I kept hearing this moaning coming from his room. He was scooted all the way up to the head of the bed and frustrated in his sleep that he could not roll over. I had to turn him like a pot roast. Every time I went in there he was back in the same spot.
J sleeps through the nightly commotion for the most part. He seems to know that I was up a lot but does not really remember any specifics. J sleep walks so even if he appears to be 100% with you it just ain't so. This is the #1 reason why he is not allowed to get up with Rory.
We have had episodes that included sending the cat sailing across the room because J just knew it was some wild animal trying to attack him.
Then there was the time the hamburger stole the car. No joke.
It is really good when he starts talking shop. To me it is all Greek when he is lucid so half unconscious is truly interesting. I think by now you agree with the reasoning behind my nocturnal single parent rule. I just cannot wait to add another kid to the mix so we can us the HOV lane when we drive at 3 A.M.
On a side note a received a compliment today that was really very sweet. Sloan was at the baby shower today and as I was getting my burger (yep we had a baby shower BBQ) she told me she liked my dress.
I know that toddlers cut back from two naps to one a day but I think my kid missed the memo. He is sure that he is not supposed to take any naps. This might work better if he slept at night. I think I went into his bedroom twelve times last night. I kept hearing this moaning coming from his room. He was scooted all the way up to the head of the bed and frustrated in his sleep that he could not roll over. I had to turn him like a pot roast. Every time I went in there he was back in the same spot.
J sleeps through the nightly commotion for the most part. He seems to know that I was up a lot but does not really remember any specifics. J sleep walks so even if he appears to be 100% with you it just ain't so. This is the #1 reason why he is not allowed to get up with Rory.
We have had episodes that included sending the cat sailing across the room because J just knew it was some wild animal trying to attack him.
Then there was the time the hamburger stole the car. No joke.
It is really good when he starts talking shop. To me it is all Greek when he is lucid so half unconscious is truly interesting. I think by now you agree with the reasoning behind my nocturnal single parent rule. I just cannot wait to add another kid to the mix so we can us the HOV lane when we drive at 3 A.M.
On a side note a received a compliment today that was really very sweet. Sloan was at the baby shower today and as I was getting my burger (yep we had a baby shower BBQ) she told me she liked my dress.

Friday, June 22, 2007
Thunder Bumpers
You know how some songs just conjure up memories? I was listening to some older Madonna music when I came across the song "Secret" and wow, I just had all these images rush into my mind. I do not now if it is still there now but in my hometown of Gilmer, Texas there was a roller rink. It was the hangout. Mostly intermediate and Jr high kids were there. The teens that could drive were at the Sonic. The building was all made out of sheet metal so it looked like a huge machinery warehouse from the outside. Thunder Bumpers was graffitied on the sign. The line to get in to door was insane on Friday and Saturday nights. They had all the classic junk food and fountain drinks. I would gorge myself on nachos and ring pops. The drink of choice was called a suicide which was all the flavors added together. You could buy souvenirs that were about the same quality at the 25 cent machines outside of Walmart. I bought a hot pink lucky rabbits food that stayed on my key chain for years. I never stayed for the lock ins that Thunder Bumpers was famous for because I was not about to sleep on that nasty floor. The bathrooms were so tiny and you did not use them unless your bladder was about to burst. Many a heart was broken at the roller rink. Couples got to together and split up in the course of the four hours the rink was open. I had two boyfriends there that did not see again until I was in high school. That was a tad uncomfortable since by then we all knew just how childish our roller rink romance had been. With all the time i spent on Rollerblades you would think I would learn how to stop but nope. I did however get a nice little concussion when I fell and a speed skater used my forehead for a brake. Ouch! I was a little disoriented after that one.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Mating Season
That title is a bit graphic sorry. Conures up all sorts of unsavory mental images, huh?
J and I are officially trying to spawn again. I got pregnant the first time out of the chute last time so I am hoping that lightning strikes twice. I pray that I will have an "unremarkable" pregnancy. The Doctors here call pregnancies without an complications unremarkable. I would say that having an easy, happy pregnancy is pretty darn special but they do not agree. I was hideously sick with Rory so I hope that I either get to skip that this time. If not my Doctor better hand over the Zofran quickly or I will follow him/her around retching into a bucket 24/7. It is either that or acts of violence and I really do not want to expose my hypothetical unborn child to that. Besides the sight of blood might make me sick(er) if that is even possible. I will tell you one thing I do not plan on going to the ER for fluids through IV this time because Dr. Stupido thinks I am over reacting about my level of morning sickness. I had to go twice with Rory. Second time around I will be more vocal and less tolerant of said stupid heads. One of my girlfriends, Sloan, had her chiropractor (who is a woman) tell her that morning sickness was all in a persons head and not real. Sloan was pregnant then and did not agree. Several months later the chiropractor got pregnant and was put "sick". So yes good things do come to those who wait. 
Advice about how to get pregnant.

Advice about how to get pregnant.
Frame 1
People who want to be pregnant ask for your advice.
Pink Shirt: If you're trying to conceive, you should keep track of how many days since your last period started.
Red Shirt: 14
People who want to be pregnant ask for your advice.
Pink Shirt: If you're trying to conceive, you should keep track of how many days since your last period started.
Red Shirt: 14
Frame 2
Pink Shirt: Then you're probably at your most fertile right now.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sticks and Stones
Blogs are meant to be a place to go and speak your mind. I do not advocate for those who just spew bile but if the average user wants to vent about a recent problem then I think that is cool. If you have ever read any of the comments I have received then you know my friend Samantha. She has something to say about almost every blog I have ever written. We met our sophomore year of high school. Although we lost touch for a while we are now back on the grid. Samantha has a blog of her own that I read on MySpace. She is slightly addicted to MySpace & Jack Sparrow. I will admit to sharing one of those addictions.
Anyways Samantha had posted an entry about a bad relationship she just got out off. I do not know the guy seeing as how Samantha and I live several states apart. Sounds like it just went south as some relationships do. If they did not then we would all settle for mediocre instead of "the one"
So Samantha is getting it all off her chest in her personal blog space when along comes the ex's new girlfriend. Little miss teeny bopper felt the need to defend her man. I think this is sad.
First of all she should just be satisfied that she has him and not Samantha not defending his actions.
Second, she should be thanking them for having so many problems or else she would not be the new main squeeze.
Why do chicks always have to snipe at one another? I am guilty of this myself but I do not understand it. Samantha seemed to get a laugh at the poor girls attempts at cursing her IM speak. Abbreviations take all the spark out of an insult. In the end I think the kid, who I think is like 18, gave up and bowed to Samantha's superior power of sarcastic banter.
Seriously if you have a problem with what someone is writing on a blog, don't read it.
Anyways Samantha had posted an entry about a bad relationship she just got out off. I do not know the guy seeing as how Samantha and I live several states apart. Sounds like it just went south as some relationships do. If they did not then we would all settle for mediocre instead of "the one"
So Samantha is getting it all off her chest in her personal blog space when along comes the ex's new girlfriend. Little miss teeny bopper felt the need to defend her man. I think this is sad.
First of all she should just be satisfied that she has him and not Samantha not defending his actions.
Second, she should be thanking them for having so many problems or else she would not be the new main squeeze.
Why do chicks always have to snipe at one another? I am guilty of this myself but I do not understand it. Samantha seemed to get a laugh at the poor girls attempts at cursing her IM speak. Abbreviations take all the spark out of an insult. In the end I think the kid, who I think is like 18, gave up and bowed to Samantha's superior power of sarcastic banter.
Seriously if you have a problem with what someone is writing on a blog, don't read it.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Getting to see the fam was nice. The wedding went off perfectly. Small hiccup when the bride needed to go to the ER during the rehearsal dinner but she bounced back. My Texas food cravings are in remission for at least a week or two. BUT!...I am so glad to be home. Ten hours in a car with a toddler are just not fun. The kid was great but I just cannot stand "elmo in grouch land" more than twenty times. It has Mandy Patinkin in it who you may remember as Inigo Montoya from "the Princess Bride". My all time favorite movie ever. In "Grouchland" Mandy plays the villain Greedy Huxley. Something about the way he talks in this film kept making me think he was going to bust out with "You killed my father, prepare to die!" but alas it never happened. Currently he stars in "Criminal Minds" which I watch religiously. He is such a good actor.
Inigo Montoya VS Greedy Huxley
Back on track now. Texas was so unbearably hot! Jeez the sun is like positioned directly over the state or something. Texans that die and go to hell are like, "Wow, they have air conditioning here!" J and I have always said we wanted to go back to TX to live but maybe we are thinking that not so much now. The high here in IL is 80 for today. *raspberry*
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Southern Comfort
Well we arrived in one piece. Rory did excellent on the drive down. Texas is so hot. Dear me but I am so stinkin' miserable over the heat. The farther south you travel the closer to hell you get. I expect the sun to be right over my shoulder, you can just feel the rays beating you into the sidewalk. Besides the heat there were other signs that we had arrived in the south. One of them was the music. About 58 miles from Texarkana we stopped for gas and I needed a potty break. The music in the restroom was some guy singing about how his tractor was his best gal. Yep, I am home. I have to say the greatest thing about being back has been the food. Mexican food just does not make it in the Midwest. I have gorged on chips, salsa, chili con queso, fajitas, guacamole, the works! I am in heaven, whoops, I mean Texas...
Monday, June 11, 2007
Harvey's house party
I started the morning with a mild heart attack. I must say that it got the blood flowing. I was taking the trash out to the bin that is located around the side of the house. That is Harvey's side of the house. (For those of you who are unclear on who Harvey is you can find him here.) Well as I turned the corner I was greeted but a very startled squirrel. Apparently Harvey was having a party. The squirrel ran half way up the nearest tree then stopped to scold me. I have been thoroughly put in my place. This is all very reminiscent of my very first Harvey encounter. At least Harvey had the decency not to yell at me in my own yard.
You people that do not agree with my arachnid eradication program would be proud of me. There is a tiny little spider that insists on building a web right outside my sliding glass door every night. J pointed it out to me. He does these things because he enjoys watching me turn rabid I guess. Boy was he surprised when I told him he could stay. For now. He gets any bigger or tries to cross the door mat and he is toast. I did however condone the moving over of several wood spiders in the front yard. It's all about baby steps.
This will be my last post until after the 18th. I am leaving on my vacation and will not even attempt to use the dial up at my Aunt B's house. I am spoiled.
You people that do not agree with my arachnid eradication program would be proud of me. There is a tiny little spider that insists on building a web right outside my sliding glass door every night. J pointed it out to me. He does these things because he enjoys watching me turn rabid I guess. Boy was he surprised when I told him he could stay. For now. He gets any bigger or tries to cross the door mat and he is toast. I did however condone the moving over of several wood spiders in the front yard. It's all about baby steps.
This will be my last post until after the 18th. I am leaving on my vacation and will not even attempt to use the dial up at my Aunt B's house. I am spoiled.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Ode to OCD
I wandered into my mother's bathroom this afternoon and saw three different tubes of cream and a gold bond medicated spray bottle laying next to the sink. Obviously she plans to bring these items with her on our upcoming trip. I chuckled because I know the numerous other creams, ointments, and sprays that are already in her purse everyday. She is the only person I know that is prepared for a chemical attack while shopping at Walmart. Could this be where I get my need to over pack from? I have a few lists going right now to help keep me on track with all the junk I cannot live with out. Whose idea was it to put three slightly obsessive/compulsive people into the same house? I think we are the great cosmic joke. My poor offspring. With both parents and a grandma afflicted I doubt he has a chance of coming out unscathed. I must say that I am the most laid back of the group, but that ain't sayin' much folks.

Saturday, June 9, 2007
Like yin and yang
I am a planner. Not necessarily a doer, but I make list after list and always want to be ahead of the game.
I had a cheerleading coach that actually used to call me "what comes next".
I have all of my Christmas shopping done by October every year.
I will be early at my funeral.
We are leaving on Tuesday morning for Texas. It is about a ten hour drive. I want to be out of here before the roosters are awake. To help accomplish this I have started to pack all of our needed items three days early. We have a travel trailer so I never have to hear the words "pack light" from the hubby.
Heck I am bringing a portable crib and two stand fans with me! Don't you wish we could be your house guests? Well except for a few things that are in the laundry I have the clothing situation done. Or I did before J informed me that he had to have his khaki shorts for this weekend. They were of course buried at the bottom of the suitcase. "You can wash them on Monday and repack them." he says.
Monday I had planned on cleaning my house from rook to floor boards so that I could return to a spotless house. Add one pitifully small load of laundry. I know my husband. He is going to wait until around seven Monday night and then want to pack everything last minute. No matter how we try I swear we always end up on opposing sides.
But if it was not for him I would be living four days into the future and totally oblivious to the world around me. Without me he would starve and run around naked. We balance each other out.
I had a cheerleading coach that actually used to call me "what comes next".
I have all of my Christmas shopping done by October every year.
I will be early at my funeral.
We are leaving on Tuesday morning for Texas. It is about a ten hour drive. I want to be out of here before the roosters are awake. To help accomplish this I have started to pack all of our needed items three days early. We have a travel trailer so I never have to hear the words "pack light" from the hubby.
Heck I am bringing a portable crib and two stand fans with me! Don't you wish we could be your house guests? Well except for a few things that are in the laundry I have the clothing situation done. Or I did before J informed me that he had to have his khaki shorts for this weekend. They were of course buried at the bottom of the suitcase. "You can wash them on Monday and repack them." he says.
Monday I had planned on cleaning my house from rook to floor boards so that I could return to a spotless house. Add one pitifully small load of laundry. I know my husband. He is going to wait until around seven Monday night and then want to pack everything last minute. No matter how we try I swear we always end up on opposing sides.
But if it was not for him I would be living four days into the future and totally oblivious to the world around me. Without me he would starve and run around naked. We balance each other out.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Tarp shopping
I have a wedding to attend next weekend so of course I needed to purchase a dress. I do not currently own any that are fancy enough for such an occasion. I really am just a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. My need for clothing took me to the local mall. I went to J.C. Penny, Dillard's, etc to find something. I tried on my size and yes I do know for a fact that this is my size and no dice. I have lost ten pound so I know I have not gone up. My problem was not in the waist at all. It was the beasts I mean breasts that held me back.
My evil twins that try to escape at every turn refused to allow the zipper to slide home. Why do designers feel the need to discriminate against us busty broads? I realize that all those anorexic supermodels are jealous of my rack. The only thing they have sticking out it ribs! That was mean, I know. I just want to be able to buy a dress that covers my chest without needing to remove five yards of fabric. I am sure by now you are imagining someone with watermelons attached to their chest. I promise I am not freakishly large. I suppose that if I was then I would be more understanding.
I did find my dress eventually. In the same size I tried at Stick People Store. Where did I find clothes that do not lie about what size they are? Lane Bryant.
My evil twins that try to escape at every turn refused to allow the zipper to slide home. Why do designers feel the need to discriminate against us busty broads? I realize that all those anorexic supermodels are jealous of my rack. The only thing they have sticking out it ribs! That was mean, I know. I just want to be able to buy a dress that covers my chest without needing to remove five yards of fabric. I am sure by now you are imagining someone with watermelons attached to their chest. I promise I am not freakishly large. I suppose that if I was then I would be more understanding.
I did find my dress eventually. In the same size I tried at Stick People Store. Where did I find clothes that do not lie about what size they are? Lane Bryant.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Enjoying my vegetative state
Ten pound - gone! I have increased my morning walk from 3/4 of a mile to a mile and a half. It was a little harder but still manageable. Walking with Mac makes it easier. If my cholesterol is not down when I am tested again in August it will not be from lack of modified diet and exercise.
In a much better mood this morning. I am sure much to the relief of all of those around me. For a little person a can pack quit a nasty attitude. I try to be sweet. Doesn't always work. The kiddo is being good. He is playing quietly with his toys while I listen to my play list. Currently "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen is playing. Got some Billy Idol, Stray Cats, Evanescence, Stabbing Westward, Sarah McLachlan, The Wreckers, The Supremes, Weird Al, Etc.
I have eclectic taste in music. I call it my "Seventy songs that have nothing in common" play list.
I have varied taste when it comes to most things. Not a picky person when it comes to food, clothes, music, t.v., movies. There are thing I would rather not have but if I am out voted then I am game all the same. I don't get bored easy I will tell you that. I think that Rory might have developed that trait. I swear that kid can play with air and be happy. Personally I love that about him.
I have varied taste when it comes to most things. Not a picky person when it comes to food, clothes, music, t.v., movies. There are thing I would rather not have but if I am out voted then I am game all the same. I don't get bored easy I will tell you that. I think that Rory might have developed that trait. I swear that kid can play with air and be happy. Personally I love that about him.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Feeling bitey
This has just been a whirlwind of a day. At one point this is what I wanted to do to anyone that had the nerve to speak to me. *See picture below*
I swear I was feeling down right persnickety. I need to put that picture on a t shirt and have "Hush or I will bite you!" written on it for days like today. What led to my tantrum you ask. Oh nothing except having to clean my house for two different engagements today. Then I have to keep a small person from wrecking it all. There were a few familial scuffles that contributed. Aren't there always. Once my bunko babes get here for the evening all should be okay. You never can tell though.
Rory's developmental evaluation went well. He scored 18-24 months on everything but speech. (go figure) on that he only made it to 8 months. So guess he does have a delay there. We are going to have an additional hearing test and then work with some therapy. Pray for the results to show I just have a stubborn mule for a child. If that is all it is he will be in good company!
Well love to stay and chat but I have floors to sweep and mop, guacamole to make, a cake to ice, and beef to brown. The clock is ticking. AAAAHHH!
Monday, June 4, 2007
If the pope came to my house
Tomorrow morning will be Rory's development evaluation. Tomorrow night I will be the host for the monthly bunko game I play with my girlfriends. Of course this means I must sweep, mop, dust, and polish twice. This morning as I raced around town to gather the last minute items I needed such as fresh avocados and Roma tomatoes to make my guacamole dip for bunko I received a call from my oh so tactful husband. When he asked me what all I had planned today I reminded him about tomorrow's events and how I was trying to prepare for them. He tells me, "Wow I guess you are going to have to go home a really clean."
Do we live in the same house? Besides the enormous amounts of clutter my son and husband enjoy scattering from end to end of our home it is pretty clean. I wouldn't want the pope to come over but I doubt that child services would complain. The trash is out, dishes are done, laundry is put away. Besides the floors and dusting I really have very little to do. As far as the clutter goes I will pick up after Rory. J however just might find all of his stuff piled high on his side of the bed. Nah, he would just push it over to my side.
Before I check out I wanted to share this picture with you all. My Aunt B sent it to me in an email. I bet that cat is thinking, "Jeez, that is a big dog!"
Sunday, June 3, 2007
To the movies
I was reminiscing the other day about my first date with my husband. What a huge disaster. I have to laugh now but honestly at the time I did not find it so funny. I was only fourteen so my mom made me take my friend, Kerrie, with me. She is a staunch believer of safety in numbers. Little did she know that since Kerrie was the one that had played matchmaker she was not exactly the best shield for my virtue.
He was 18. Mom really hated the age difference and I do not blame her. My hypothetical daughter will not be allowed to date until she is 16. If I have to lock her in the cellar, so be it.Well, J's Mom must have believed the way my mom did because he brought his brother and two slacker friends with him. I came to learn in the years that followed that John went very few places without cheech and chong.
So four people piled into the back of his car. Packed like sardines. I did not worry too much since I was guaranteed shotgun. We drove the thirty minutes to the movie theater where Kerrie and I were out voted on the selection for the evening. Four - two in favor of "The Water boy". The odds were not in our favor. Being a girl I had never seen any Adam Sandler movies. I was in for a rude awakening.
When it came time to pay for the tickets did my date pay for me? Heck no, he had to pay for his three "kids". I remember standing there looking at him like he was a moron. Good thing I had some mad money. I was definitely mad. I had to admit that the movie had some funny points to it but I had never watched anything that did not have some kind of point to it. Adam Sandler movies only have morals and such if you look very hard. Careful, don't strain yourself.
After the movie her dropped off his buddies and Kerrie before taking me home. I thought this was just because it was on the way. Nope, wrong again. The lummox thought after making me pay for myself to see a movie I thought was filmed by monkeys he was going to get to make out with me parked on the side of the road no less.
Since then he has learned how to properly romance a lady. I only had to pound it in to him with a sledgehammer. These days he is the model husband who knows that I am much more pliable when wooed.
On a side note:
We went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At the world's end on Saturday. It was good but I had some MAJOR issues to take up with the writers. Do not really want to talk about that, still too emotional. But wow, was Orlando Bloom hot at the end. About had a hot flash in the auditorium. It is weird, I only like Orlando Bloom on screen.

Apparently there is a scene after the credits. I was unaware of this. At the time I was so livid that I just left as soon as the credits started to roll. If I had stayed to see the scene I would have been much happier. Oh well. Live and learn. It is just a movie but give me my happy ending! This is Disney for crying out loud.
He was 18. Mom really hated the age difference and I do not blame her. My hypothetical daughter will not be allowed to date until she is 16. If I have to lock her in the cellar, so be it.Well, J's Mom must have believed the way my mom did because he brought his brother and two slacker friends with him. I came to learn in the years that followed that John went very few places without cheech and chong.
So four people piled into the back of his car. Packed like sardines. I did not worry too much since I was guaranteed shotgun. We drove the thirty minutes to the movie theater where Kerrie and I were out voted on the selection for the evening. Four - two in favor of "The Water boy". The odds were not in our favor. Being a girl I had never seen any Adam Sandler movies. I was in for a rude awakening.
When it came time to pay for the tickets did my date pay for me? Heck no, he had to pay for his three "kids". I remember standing there looking at him like he was a moron. Good thing I had some mad money. I was definitely mad. I had to admit that the movie had some funny points to it but I had never watched anything that did not have some kind of point to it. Adam Sandler movies only have morals and such if you look very hard. Careful, don't strain yourself.
After the movie her dropped off his buddies and Kerrie before taking me home. I thought this was just because it was on the way. Nope, wrong again. The lummox thought after making me pay for myself to see a movie I thought was filmed by monkeys he was going to get to make out with me parked on the side of the road no less.
Since then he has learned how to properly romance a lady. I only had to pound it in to him with a sledgehammer. These days he is the model husband who knows that I am much more pliable when wooed.
On a side note:
We went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At the world's end on Saturday. It was good but I had some MAJOR issues to take up with the writers. Do not really want to talk about that, still too emotional. But wow, was Orlando Bloom hot at the end. About had a hot flash in the auditorium. It is weird, I only like Orlando Bloom on screen.

Apparently there is a scene after the credits. I was unaware of this. At the time I was so livid that I just left as soon as the credits started to roll. If I had stayed to see the scene I would have been much happier. Oh well. Live and learn. It is just a movie but give me my happy ending! This is Disney for crying out loud.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Morning *hiss*
I am not a morning person. The cat woke my son up at seven this morning. I am going to make a slip cover out of her later. That may not be early for most parents but I have trained my kid to sleep until at least 8:30. On a rare occasion he has been known to go as late as 10 am. The only reason I went ahead with the monsters request to get up was because I remembered I had an a episode of "So you think you can dance" on my DVR. I love that show. Now I am listening to "Jack's Big Music Show". Rory is alternating between watching it and trying to get me to blow bubbles. It is to early to start the endless bubble blowing game.

The offending feline
I am ready for nap time. Should get here around nine. After we get up the second time I have to do my Denise Austin work out. I am almost to my first 10 pound goal. So even though my legs are screaming at me for the toning yesterday I will endure another session. I have to go dress shopping next weekend for my Brother in law's wedding on the 16th and I plan to look better. It does not hurt that we are going home on the 12th and who doesn't want to look thinner when visiting family.
I remember at my own wedding rehearsal my grandmother informed me that I was fat. I told her she was too.
"Sesame street" is on now. Elizabeth's kitten ran away. Rory and I have to go help her find little Murray Sparkles. So long as the cat is on the screen my son is mesmerized. I might need to save this episode. What Mother doesn't need a hypnotic tv show in her arsenal?
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