Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Feeling bitey

This has just been a whirlwind of a day. At one point this is what I wanted to do to anyone that had the nerve to speak to me. *See picture below*
I swear I was feeling down right persnickety. I need to put that picture on a t shirt and have "Hush or I will bite you!" written on it for days like today. What led to my tantrum you ask. Oh nothing except having to clean my house for two different engagements today. Then I have to keep a small person from wrecking it all. There were a few familial scuffles that contributed. Aren't there always. Once my bunko babes get here for the evening all should be okay. You never can tell though.
Rory's developmental evaluation went well. He scored 18-24 months on everything but speech. (go figure) on that he only made it to 8 months. So guess he does have a delay there. We are going to have an additional hearing test and then work with some therapy. Pray for the results to show I just have a stubborn mule for a child. If that is all it is he will be in good company!
Well love to stay and chat but I have floors to sweep and mop, guacamole to make, a cake to ice, and beef to brown. The clock is ticking. AAAAHHH!

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