Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Getting to see the fam was nice. The wedding went off perfectly. Small hiccup when the bride needed to go to the ER during the rehearsal dinner but she bounced back. My Texas food cravings are in remission for at least a week or two. BUT!...I am so glad to be home. Ten hours in a car with a toddler are just not fun. The kid was great but I just cannot stand "elmo in grouch land" more than twenty times. It has Mandy Patinkin in it who you may remember as Inigo Montoya from "the Princess Bride". My all time favorite movie ever. In "Grouchland" Mandy plays the villain Greedy Huxley. Something about the way he talks in this film kept making me think he was going to bust out with "You killed my father, prepare to die!" but alas it never happened. Currently he stars in "Criminal Minds" which I watch religiously. He is such a good actor.
Inigo Montoya VS Greedy Huxley
Back on track now. Texas was so unbearably hot! Jeez the sun is like positioned directly over the state or something. Texans that die and go to hell are like, "Wow, they have air conditioning here!" J and I have always said we wanted to go back to TX to live but maybe we are thinking that not so much now. The high here in IL is 80 for today. *raspberry*

1 comment:

  1. I hate when I have to go to the ER in the middle of my rehearsal dinner. Such a bummer.

    I know what you mean about ten hours with kiddos. I will be attempting my third trip of such kind this weekend. ugh!
