Thursday, May 17, 2007

When Math married English

Feeling accomplished today. I noticed that in the past two weeks I have written over 33 pages for the book. J asks, "That's all?"
Can you feel his sense of pride in me? Oh yea, I feel it. He asked me how many chapters I have written and I said around eight. Keep in mind that this is my first time through the actually storyline and my chapters are more like segments to be expanded on. Cue the husband, "33 pages is one chapter in the books I read."
Mm-hm... What book would that be honey? J does not read. I bought him a copy of Dean Koontz's 'Velocity' for his birthday one year and had to return it for a copy on CD. If he does read then it is by divine intervention alone. Then it will be a computer Manuel written in code. What normal person would read that? Don't get me wrong I love my nerd. He can do more things with that mega melon of his in one day than I achieve in a year. It has been decided that when it come to computers and literature we will just have to agree to disagree.

Another thing about this book deal. I am writing a vampire love story if you want to boil it down to a synopsis in three words or less. The problem I am having is that when I get to the "loving" I start to think, "My first grade teacher might read this."
Not to mention my friends. I worry more about my more conservative christian friends. Granted conservative Christians have sex too but I am not so sure that they read it in novel form. I think I am thinking about this too much.
Besides who says it will ever get published but I like to have dreams of grandeur. Or mass delusions whatever you want to call it.

Rory is supposed to be taking a nap but I keep hearing his learning worm sing on the monitor. "One little birdie singing so sweet/ one happy ____ and one big tweet."
As many times as I have heard that little ditty I should know all the words. It is going to bug me all day that I don't. Such is life.

1 comment:

  1. You are defiantly reading too much into this. Just let it flow!
    I hope to read it someday.
