Monday, May 7, 2007

Midwest top ten

I was thinking about how growing up in rural Texas has made me naive. I had quite the culture shock when I moved to the Midwest. Here are a few of the things that threw me. Let my ignorance be your entertainment!

1. Fire ants. I thought that all ants were fire ants. As a child I remember that if one bit you then you knew is instantaneously. If you saw the hill you avoided it at all costs. Or put fire crackers in it, whatever. I also remember my mother putting poison on the hills every year. The funny thing is that they never die. All you do is force them to move the hill to a new location. So if you do this long enough you can actually move them into your neighbors yard so that they are no longer your problem. With in six months the neighbor has usually "moved" them back. This went on for years in my neighborhood. When I play outside with Rory I do not even mind the ants. I have had several crawl on me. They seem rather friendly here. Texas ants bite every time. No exceptions. I watched a documentary the other day about how introducing fire ants to new regions could destroy entire ecosystems. Who would had thought that all these years we were harboring terrorists in our backyard. I swear we didn't know.

2. Country. I define country as an are of land that has never been used by people and is in its natural state. There was over 100 acres of "country" between me and town growing up. Where is the country here? I seem to have misplaced it. Between every town was countryside. Upon moving to the Midwest I could drive through belleville, swansea, fairview heights, and o'fallon thinking I was still in the same town. I came to call this are O'BelleSea Heights.

3. Cows. Are there any here?

4. Houses are close together. My neighbors house could not even cast a shadow on our fence line back home. Up here I have seen whole communities of really expensive houses that are completely dark in between them. No sun ever. I think the further North you go the more narrow things are.

5. Crime. Ha ha. I recently had someone from back home telling me about how "bad" the crime was there. Ya'll somebody stole some ATVs and they had meth on them! I told them I would tape the news here for a week and each felony crime that happened in East St Louis I wanted a $1. I figure I should make at least $80.

6. NO ONE wants a cat. I know I have tried to give them away. Plus if you have more than two pets it is considered a zoo. I have 6 cats and two dogs. I always get this look from people after they find that out. This a household were three individuals with pets converged on one another. My husband has his cat orange Clio. I have my cat calico Miss Kitty and my Husky Lily. When we married we also picked up Pickles as community property, she is grey by the way. We moved here and rescued Eris, a Russian blue mix, outside our first apartment. Clio adopted her before we could find her a home. My mom moved in with us bringing her Golden Retriever Linus, another Calico named Tigger, and a black asthmatic cat we call "squeaks" because when he breathes he makes this squeaking noise. So see, it is not so bad.

7. People think it is hot here. I will agree that it gets very, very warm. But hot is 103 degrees at eleven a.m. Hot is melted tar on every road. Hot is roadkill that has cooked within 24 hrs.
I know hot. It ain't hot here.

8. Cornfields are creepy. I watched children of the corn. I thought it was stupid. Who would be afraid of a corn field. That was before I had seen one in person. I am afraid of cornfields thank you very much.

9. Price. Wow! I grew up in a nice 3bed/2bath house. It cost us $60,000 to build. A bank repo that needed work with the same bed to bath ration that was already built cost us over $100,000 here. Granted times have changed, but my mothers house has only increased by 20,000 so I would have paid maybe 60,000 for the home I have here if it had been in TX. Confusing but I promise it makes sense. Just go with it.

10. Roads. I think whoever designed the road system in Illinois needs to be tarred and feathered. And why does it take YEARS to finish a one mile stretch of road? Your in a huge metro are. It is not like you do not have the man power or resources.


  1. No cows? WTF?!?!?!

  2. Okay so many things I agree with here, LOL! Well, I can't so much relate to the Texas thing, except that I did visit there a lot as a child with family there. Here goes.... 1) Fire ants, HOLY COW! I know! When I lived in Louisiana we had tons of them, everywhere! And yes you did firecracker them and avoid them at all costs! And they hurt! I remember being covered in them one time and having to be thrown in the swimming pool and almost having to go to ER is was so bad! Now THAT is crazy! I totally believe they are terrorists and oops, we must've been harboring them as well.
    2) Seriously where is the country here? I have seen a few areas heading out further east of here, but here specifically there is none. Unless you want to count the VAST creepy corn fields that are everywhere. And I laughed out loud at the O'Bellesea Heights thing! Heath and I have said that so many times, ha!
    3) Houses are so close together here that I am surprised illegal voyeurism isn't the number one crime, but no we have a thousand other atrocious crimes to worry about.
    4) And sorry, don't want a cat. Actually it's more the hubby than me. I am sucker for all things animal. But when it comes to cats the husband refuses to budge.
    5) Yeah the heat here could be SO much worse. The south in general could turn you to BBQ in the summer people.
    6) And seriously I think they have been working on roads since we moved here almost 3 years ago and they are so not close to finishing! It can make this sweet, southern, Christian girl wanna cuss at all the traffic.....honestly.
    Okay I think that's it. I bet this is the LONGEST comment you will ever receive! But hey, it made me laugh and relate so I HAD to share!
