Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

In honor of Mother's Day I am going to write a little about my mommy today.

What to say about the woman that gave birth to me, raised me, and continues to support all that I do? She is the best mom ever! Then again I might be slightly partial. I was far from the perfect kid.

When I was three my best buddy Matt and I removed the skirting from all of the mobile homes in our trailer park hunting for Roley polies.

I got a black eye in preschool. I hit the corner of the piano bench when leaping out at my mom, who had no idea I was coming. She was supposed to catch me you see. When asked how I received it politely replied, "My mommy did it."

I am told that I was once asked which lady was my mom. I told them it was the one with the grey hair. And who do you think gave her those grey hairs?

At five I asked for a hand saw so i could cut down the tree in my Grandmother's front yard. I had tried to climb it without success so of course the tree was at fault. My grandmother gave me a chair to help me in my climbing endeavors. (This ought to tell you something about the genius of the woman my mother calls mom.)

I thought my mom had the tooth fairy, Santa, the Easter bunny, and God on speed dial. While I stopped believing in holiday spirits around nine years old my belief that regarding God and Mom's relationship stuck around well into high school. I never snuck out of the house for this reason.

I am being paid back for all of these events now with my own child. My grandmother says I was my mother's payback for all of her childhood escapades. Personally I think my mom got a bit more payback than she deserved.

All kidding aside my mother is a daily help for me. Whether she is wrangling my son or just making me laugh Mom makes each day more enjoyable. Happy Mother's Day to all you rad Mama's out there!


  1. Being a mom rocks!

  2. Hi! I found you at random - pressed next and up you came! Then I tried to comment and it wouldn't let you so I saved your url & back I am again ... you've an interesting blog here, seriously. I keep 3 blogs. My main one is gledwood2.blogspot - that's my confessions-filled secret diary type of thing; the other 2 are video blogs: 1 pop music; the other comedy. Any new contributions gratefully accepted. You're welcome to drop by my site any time. You can also gabble to me on my Gabbly!!

    Hope to see you there!


    Gledwood Vol 2
