Sunday, May 27, 2007

I can justify $300 on flowers @ Lowe's

I did some gardening today. Very therapeutic. The fam and I went to Lowe's and bought three large cedar planters and tons of flora for the front yard. My mission for this summer had been to remove the silver dollar rocks out of the flower bed that is half the length of my house. The previous owner decided she did not want to garden and created a rock bed instead. I loathe the rock bed. When it first got warm I managed to move half of them out of my way. The I decided I quit. Shoveling rocks is prison detail. My entire body felt like I had been beaten with the shovel.
Mom came up with the idea of just putting large planters in the rocky area. So now I have half mulch and half rock. It actually looks okay. We are going to finish it all up tomorrow. I will snap some pics to put on here. After this weekend I will be done with the beautification of my front yard. Now I have to tackle the back.
Met up with four spiders. I only killed one. I feel like that is a step in the right direction. The one I killed had an egg sac so she had to go. Last thing I need is a population spike. My foot does itch so maybe she got me before she died. That is only fair I suppose. I do not wear shoes or gloves when I do yard work. My neighbors wonder if I even have shoes. Guess that is my "country" showing through as Britney spears would say. I am just asking for something to chew on me every time I go outside. Rory chased a spider in Lowe's. He wanted to play with it. Going to need to talk to that boy.
Smells like something crawled in the garage and died. J said it it probably a mouse or something. I pray it is not Harvey. Most likely there is a tiny bag of Mcd's hiding behind something

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