I got the ball rolling on his speech evaluation today. The doctor seems concerned that he does not talk. One of my Aunts in Texas mentioned his speech delay to my old family physician there. His response, "Poor kid probably can't get a word in edgewise considering who his mother is."
I had not thought of this before but he might be on to something. I suppose I could talk less. Nah I might slip into a coma or something if I tried that.
Grandma and Rory are hanging out right now. If J or Mum Mum is around who needs mom right? At least that is Rory's way of thinking. I know he loves me but he also knows Mom is the most likely to discipline. Even if he is with the other two adults in the house I get called for punishment and poopy diapers. Rory knows Mom means business. Daddy can be swayed with X's & O's. I might have taught him that one, he he.
Discipline and the poopy diaper. Such is the way of the mother. *sigh*