Friday, May 18, 2007

May Movie Madness

I feel like I am drowning in DVDs. I am so behind. Blockbuster keeps calling telling me to bring back their movies. Today I have decided to watch them before Jack Bauer comes banging down my door demanding I release the hostages. In between taking care of Rory and doing my usual household chores I managed to knock out four of the five.

The hostages list:
1. 'The Hitcher' - A cautionary tale of why we are told to never pick up hitchhikers. I thought it was good. The fact that the female lead, Grace (Sophia Bush), did not spend the movie waiting for the man to rescue her was a major selling point for me. I hate the whiny chicks typically found in horror movies. Killing them is actually doing the community a service. Sean Bean was SO good at being bad. Neal McDounough is also in this film. Mom and I think he is a hottie. All in all not a waste of my time. I give it an B+

2. John Carpenter's 'The Thing' - Never saw this movie before today. I know, how can I call my self a horror movie fanatic and not have seen this before. Well I was not allowed to watch any scary movies as a kid. It was not until my senior year that I began to watch them on a regular basis. I have so much catching up to do! I did love this movie. Even if it is an "older" movie it still has that ability to get its point across. I wish Carpenter still made movies this good today. A+

3. 'Blood Legend' - Watched first five minutes. Had to stop it because the acting was making me retarded. No point in even scoring it.
4. 'Snow White'- Not the Disney version. This movie starred the little girl that played Rosaleen in 'In the Company of Wolves' (which is an excellent but obscure movie.) I saw this one originally as a kid and has always been my favorite version of the fairy tale. Much darker than Disney. More like the original Grimm's. A-

5.'Valley Girl'- Alas I did not watch this one today. It stars a young Nicolas Cage. Maybe someday but for now I think I will return it unwatched. I will reserve my critique for now.

Odd mix of genre's I know. Now all I have to do is weed throught the twenty some odd shows that re recorded on the DVR.

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