Thursday, May 24, 2007

I might need a time out for this one.

I am a bad mom. I am eating a box of buncha crunch and hiding it from my son. When I say I am hiding it I mean that I have gone completely off the grin to enjoy my chocolaty goodness. I have become the Nestle Ninja.

Rory is strapped to his booster seat in the kitchen. I can keep an eye on him from my hidey hole while he munches on nutritious cheese. He knows I am up to something, he just can't see what.
It is not that I do not want him to have the sugar. Dinner is still a ways off. He just had his nap so it would not interfere with that. I am just being selfish. I do not want to share dang it!
As a mom I shared my body for ten months. I gave of myself so that he could eat, sleep, and poop on his own time table. I even share everything I eat with him since the first time he began table food.

Well except fish. No fishy for the kiddo. My only big feeding no-no. I will not let him eat fish until he is three and no shell fish until 5. Hey, we all got to have out little weird mommy tics.

I think that on a daily basis Rory gets more of the choicest morsels from three different individuals plates. I do not begrudge him this. He is my son and I want him to have the best of everything. But I do not think my box of buncha crunch is necessary to his development. Show me the stats if I am wrong, but I just have a feeling about this one.

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