Saturday, May 26, 2007

Psychotic breaks & Bible questions

This afternoon I treated my family to a mommy dearest meltdown that would have made Joan Crawford proud. No I did not beat any one with a wire hanger. I did how ever make a list of new house rules.
1. Trash goes IN the trash can.
2. If the trash can is full, please change the liner. Proceed to rule one after this task is completed. 3. Dirty clothes are for the hamper.
4. If you use it, PUT IT BACK!
5. All personal items are to be stored in your own space.
Not a long list and fairly simple. I am a huge culprit in my house so I have to remind myself to clean up my own mess. Hopefully this will make my job of keeping the house clean easier and create less tension between me, mom, and john. Rory of course has me to do all of his bidding.

Changing the subject, I noticed something eerie in my kiddo's room. I was laying on his floor watching him play. Above me on the wall is a wallpaper mural of Noah's ark. On the ark with Noah there are various animals including a pair of Giraffes. What drew my attention was one of the giraffe's was coming off the wall. His little head was hanging halfway down. I got some tape and stuck him back in the erect position.
I stood back to admire the cutesy little scene as I have done several time since originally applying it. That was when it hit me. Not only are there two giraffes ON the ark, there are two giraffes OFF the ark. That is four giraffes. This was a kit I purchased so who ever made it obviously did not pay attention is Sunday school. The story I read only had two, one male and one female . Mom said they must have just come to say goodbye. In which case they are going to drown and boy do they seem cheery about it. It is kind of depressing.

Food for thought- I remember being little and confused as to how this whole ark thing was supposed to work. I got the part that the pair Noah took with him where supposed to be the breeders for the new species and all that but what next? Even if they had lots of babies where the kids supposed to do it with their brothers/sisters? I also applied this to Adam and Eve. As a kid this freaked me out.
Once I asked my Mom if Jesus and Mary Magdalene got married. She told me "No, Jesus never married anyone." I was really sad about that. How lonely it must have been to never be able to get married and have kids.

I was an over thinker even then.

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