Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Adventures in Book Swapping.

You may or may not know that I am a member of a book swapping club. For people with voracious literary appetites such as me this is a godsend. I pay postage, which is only like $2.14 per book. Beats $6.99 at Barnes and Noble. If you want to check out this nifty little site for yourself just click here. If you sign up remember to say that LuckyIrishGal referred you so I can get a free credit! So yesterday I got in a ton of books, one of which was the first in the Harry Potter series. I have decided I want to read the entire series through from book 1 - 7. I was so excited because while I currently have 7 & 2 I have yet to acquire the others. Finally I would be able to begin my Potter journey in grand style.

It was not meant to be. I opened up the little packing mailer like a five year old on Christmas morning and gasped. Not the good kind of gasping that comes from immense personal pleasure but the kind you do when you stick yourself with a safety pin. Apparently the previous owner of said Potter book went swimming while reading. I am all about the multitasking. Heck I am doing three things at once right now. All the pages were waving at me curled into themselves & stuck together. Blast!

Adding more good news to my day J found out he will be leaving for his deployment ( to Florida, oh how harsh for him) on September 11th . Is this not an omen? Bad things will forever occur on September 11th.

1 comment:

  1. I started my correctional officer training on 9-11 and graduated Friday the 13th. Heheh
