Wednesday, April 1, 2009

my cousin Obama?

I like so many have a Facebook account. In my email this morning I found a letter stating that Barack Obama says your related. We're Related is an application I have on my account. While I am related to three former Presidents and four former First Ladies, I somehow doubt the current Mr. President and I are going to be attending the same reunions. I tried to follow the link to check it out but the applications is down. Whatcha want to bet that it is some punk kid? Strange age we live in when the President has Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Etc.

That probably makes me sound like some one not born in the age of computers. I promise I was. I just see the irony of such a silly people meeting website including the man who runs our entire country as a member. Well I have to go. Inigo the pug with zero common sense is trying to play a rousing game of chase with Miss Kitty aka Schizo Kitty. This could end in stitches.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is really cool, which presidents are you actually related to? I'm related to Isaac Newton... lol
