Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

The time is 9:02 AM on April 9th, 2009. At this one year ago I was on my way to the OB praying to hear "Your dilated enough to be admitted for delivery!"
Alas it was not so. However stripping my membranes (sounds gross huh?) did start a domino effect that produced a beautiful baby girl we call Lorelei by 10:07 PM that night. I will skip the details of delivery cause let's face it, besides other mom's no one is interested.
The proof that our hard work had, er...paid off

Lorelei Ann born 10:07 PM 7Ilbs, 7ozs & 21 inches long

First time she saw herself in a mirror. She was delighted to see such a friendly face smiling back at her.

Hugging her stuffed cow during nap time. 0-3 mos.

Showing off her new girly hair accessories. 3-6 mos.

Cutie Pie! 6-9 mos.

Loving her Daddy. 9-12 mos

It has been a wonderful year filled with new adventures and at time less than happy moments. Seems to have flown by. Rory's first year did not sneak up on me as fast as this. I wouldn't trade a single minute of it. The good, the bad, or the colicky!

April 8th, 2009
Opening her Easter bucket with Mommy.


  1. Ok, so while the page was loading it was a black background and just pictures, no text. The first being the pregnancy test. Lol, I had a moment of "omg wtf" before everything clicked into place. Just sharing. Ha ha.

  2. So cute! Happy Birthday Lorelei! Just wanted to let you know that your funky felt flower is in the mail. Let me know that it makes it to you and make sure to re-poof up the petals as I am sure it will be smashed from the mail. Sorry!
