Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A.I.: The Artificial Insemination Post

Not many people know this but I am a product of artificial insemination. I do not hide it. It just rarely comes up in conversation. Can you imagine trying to slip that nugget of information into the dialogue? I am sharing this here because recently I have met several couples that are finding themselves needing a little medical intervention to become pregnant. They may not be on the same path my parents took but I still felt led to share an adult view point of what it is like to be a child of such a union.

It is blessed.

In the 80's my Mom and Dad tried with gusto to conceive a child. No luck. They were each tested by the Doctors and found out that they both had a complication. Mom's was not insurmountable but would definitely make the road to motherhood bumpier. Dad's however was 100% none possibility. You see Dad was a x-ray tech in the Navy. During his training he and some buddies thought it was entertaining to x-ray random stuff. Mom remembers x-rays that came to her in the mail from Dad of watches and a dead rat they found. Did they wear those nice little lead vests? Nope. ZAP! No babies for you Mister. Hearing what they thought was the end of their journey they decided to adopt. Sadly that fell through in the delivery room when the mother decided she could not part with her child. It was very upsetting for them. So close to having their baby ( a girl ) and then once again gone.
Eventually they found themselves talking about artificial insemination. They lived in the D.C. area then. Dad's family was very concerned that he would have issues raising a child that was not biologically his. His answer was, "Any male can father a child. I am going to be a Daddy." I love that quote :0)

The second round of fertility drugs and sperm donor created me! ten months later in the year of 1984 I was born. Ultra sounds were still not widely used for the sole purpose of determining sex so they did not know if I was a boy or girl until delivery. The Doctor told them that I would be a girl. Three couples before mom and dad had come to this clinic unable to have children and all blessed with girls. He just knew I would be the fourth. Records about the donor are tightly guarded. Today it is a little easier to access for medical questions concerning paternity. All I know about my biological donor is that he was a medical student with two confirmed successes before me. The clinic only allowed for three babies from one donor so as not to populate the area with siblings. However nothing stopped him from moving on to the next donation clinic in the are. Med school is pricey and the clinics paid very well.

I was not told the particulars of my conception until I was a teenager. It was actually an accident that i found out at all. At the time I was watching my whole world fall apart due to my parent's divorce. I was unsure of myself and my father's love for me. When the truth came to light about the artificial insemination I was so happy. Not only did my parents want me they worked hard to have me. Time, money, tests, stress it all was worth it to them to have me. No DNA bound me to my father but he was there at every little league game to watch his cheerleader. He was always at every event, play, and program. Our relationship was far from perfect but until the day he died in 2005 he was always a constant in my life. I have no doubt that I was the most important person in the world to him. Any my mother? Well she has always been my best friend but never at the expense of being my parent first. She is in every thing that I do. Every decision I make. My true north to guide me in the direction I should go.

My life isn't perfect. My childhood was not a fairy tale. I have flaws and issues like anybody else. My place on this earth has never been a question to me. I am here because I was wanted more. I was prayed for. And God answers prayers.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened ‘ (Matthew 7:7, 8).

P.S. It has been brought to my attention that some folks find the term "Artificial" insemination offensive. Personally I think it is silly. It is not a term to say that the child is artificial. The way that the sperm is introduced to the body is artificial. See not so offensive? Just my 2 cents.


  1. This was a wondeful post! Nice to hear your perspective about this. Your parents sound wonderful, and yes - it is no doubt that they REALLY wanted you!

    Have a great week!

  2. Okay, I just now realized that adding your blog to my google reader hadn't worked. I knew you were going to post this, but never saw anything on GR, so I figured you hadn't done it yet. It didn't occur to me to actually go your blog to check. ha!

    This is a great story! What a treat to find out your life had so much behind it. I hope one day, my daughter (and any subsequent children we're blessed with) will see how much they were wanted and loved, and how hard we tried to bring them into this world.


  3. I'm the mother of a 1 year old son who was conceived via sperm donor. I came across this post during a google search and want to thank you so much for writing this. For the most part the things I've found online from children who were conceived this way tend to be negative. As a parent you always want to do the best thing for your children. Reading your words reassures me that there are probably more people out there that see they were wanted more than anything in the world! Thank you.

  4. how do i find my dad (the one who donated)?

  5. Aspirant Scribbler here! I am responding to Anonymous.

    The laws protecting donors are very strict. They differ from state to state. Even when the laws change previous donors may still be protected from finding out any identity.

    The only advice I can give you is to talk to your parents. They might be able to give you the name of the facility and even the donor id#. There are registries on the internet for finding sibling and donors.

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