Monday, April 13, 2009

Jeep brought to you by Star Trek

I think Rory gets his random funny comments from his father's genetics. Rory is not a joker like me. He might grow into it someday but I think he is going to be like J. He is in every other way. J cannot tell a joke to save his life. His retelling of a funny story is down right painful. Every now and then though he pops out these little comedic gems that knock me for a loop. Last night I was trying to install a new game on the laptop in the living room. J was in the recliner next to mine playing Far Cry on the PS3. I happened to look up at the same time J attempted to run his jeep into the base of a mountain.

Me: "That is not going to work. Mountain are like walls, only meaner."

J: "Yea I know. The jeep wasn't built my Star Trek."

Me: (confused) "What do you mean?"

J: "It doesn't boldly go where no jeep has gone before."

Rory has started the mine phase. It is exhausting. Lorelei has started to be more independent and take care of herself. Now when Rory hollers "Mine!" at her or "Go away Lawlie!" or my favorite "Leave my Rory lone!" she reacts in a fashion we are not used to. Usually in her walker when these incidents happen she gives a war cry and torpedo's towards him. Her goal is to flatten him into a speed bump. The coming years should prove interesting. I am sensing a lot of time out, grounding, and spankings in their future.
I have been telling him that she was going to catch up and retaliate for the last 365 days of her existence. He did not believe me that she was keeping score. She is my daughter after all. I know how her mind works. When he least expects it, she will bring the pain.
So that is my midget war at home. How is your family doing?

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