Big Mama just did a podcast and I know she is from Texas but for some reason I did not expect the accent. Funny thing is that since I am also from Texas and in fact lay claim to the same accent you would not think it would be something I notice quite so well. I absolutely love it, takes me back home instantly but I have to say the southern twang does make us femme sound a bit flighty. Not dumb just very laid back to the point of not really caring if we make a logical point. There are no rushed conversations between girlfriends because we all know we will get a turn and if that means we sit here all day well then who cares? Obviously that is what God intended for us to do today. I think we are very smart women. I have a ton of admiration for my fellow blogger Big Mama. If you have ever read her blog then you know she can write a mean paragraph. I wish I had a 1/10 of that talent. But still the accent threw me. Thankfully I have friends nearby with southern drawls of their own.
Shelly is from Tennessee, Bradford is from Georgia, Taylor from Kentucky, and today I met Cole from Louisiana. Shelly, Taylor, and Bradford's accents are different from the Texas one I am used to but distinctively southern. Cole is from an area close enough to Texas that before she even met me she was informed that we sounded similar. Living in the mid west and being friends with all military wives leads to an interesting mix of sounds. K and Thomas are from the area so they have that no accent except for a few particular words thing that is so common here in the mid west. Sloan is from Ohio but I can never tell if there is no accent or if she is just very proper. I am going to guess a it of both. Sloan is a very proper person. I secretly wonder if she has hidden bad habits like drinking out of the milk carton. I doubt it but I love her anyways. Hollin and C.L. are from Arkansas and Hawaii respectively. No idea why Hollin sounds less twangy to me. Maybe cause she moved so much as a kid. C.L. might have a Hawaiian accent but I would have no idea what that sounds like! She is my little Mexican from the islands. I do not know why I threw me for a loop to find out she was from Hawaii. Not like only pacific islanders live there. That be like saying there are no African Americans in Ireland, no Caucasians in Africa, and the Russians never leave Mother Russia. This is spiraling into oblivion. Back on topic, C.L. sounds cool.
Daly is the odd ball being from Pennsylvania. Her accent is so cute to me. She just left to visit family. I cannot wait to talk to her when she gets back and she has thickened it from her visit.
I had thought maybe I lost the accent. But no. Talking to Cole today I could not here an accent in her voice. To me she sounded like she could pass for the rare few that did not seem to have an accent. Obviously our friends do not agree. I cringe to hear myself on tape. I imagine I sound something like Jeff Foxworthy. Funny man but not who a girl wants to sound like. What can I say. My voice is not very high or girly add in the accent and I am doomed. That is okay though. My Daddy always used to tell me that men worldwide will trip all over themselves to talk to a southern girl.
I had always wished that I had kept some of my Carolinian accent....but I lost it somewhere North of the Mason Dixon line....such a shame...now I am just a dull Midwesterner!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I have much of an accent until I'm talking ot someone with an accent. I'm weird like that because I pick up on things like that so easily. Hehe. I need to work on my Jo'jah drawl. I do miss dem cajuns from Lou'siana though.
ReplyDeleteI completely know what you mean about not wanting to hear your voice. My parents left me as the voice on their answering machine for years after I moved out and I had the thickest accent it was so embarrassing. But I don't hear Texas accents in other people either, funny how that works? ~Becky