Monday, August 6, 2007

Shark Week Pt. Duex!

I watched the 'Sharkman' yesterday. He is the guy who was trying to hypnotize a great white in open water. Depending on your definition of hypnotize I suppose he sort of succeeded. He also narrowly escaped being a wholesome snack a few time. I still think he is out of his gourd. I would like to say that the images they played of sharks being mistreated by humans was horrible. I am anti shark but that does not mean I want them to become extinct. it means Bridget keeps her pasty pale tail out of their front yard. Bridget hates spiders, snakes, and many other creepy crawlies but she prefers them to still be alive, just somewhere else. I also am aware that should I run across any of these creatures I was probably asking for it.

Back on topic. These fisherman that harvest the shark fins for soup are evil! They catch the sharks, cut off all the fins and then throw it back into the ocean. Mom said she saw a medical show that talked about the people who actually eat shark fin soup regularly are becoming impotent from a chemical found in the fins. Sounds like justice to me. Too bad veal cannot do the same to you. A man named Doc Gruber is working on a shark repellent that would prevent even more sharks from hurting themselves or others. You rock Doc!

I am going to go watch 'Army Wives' now.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Sharks and snakes are not my favorite planet neighbors, but they were here before us and deserve their space.
