Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pregnancy- It ain't a bed of roses.

One more reason to go batty for baby? Crampiness. It is common for women in their first month to experience cramping and even a little bleeding. The bleeding is know as implantation bleeding. I do not have cramps every month like a lot of women. Somehow it seems unfair to be free of a period for 40 weeks and NOW get cramps. But mother nature is fair. Generally the girl who never got morning sickness was the same one with uncontrollable gas. No woman gets out unscathed. The ones who claim they were the happiest and most beautiful pregnant lied. How can you be? You cannot stuff two people in one body and expect it to be pretty. I am not saying that I do not get behind the miracle of birth cause I do. I just want women out there to understand that it is not glamorous, changes your body forever, and makes you certifiably mad.

I feel for the first time moms who read the books that talk about human gestation like anything other than a total body experience. These girls think they are going to give birth and then be back into a size 2 in under 3 months by breast feeding. Boobs are also gonna morph into something else. I do agree that we preggos are glowing (that is the perspiration) and gorgeous. Just give us the respect we deserve for a job that is no cake walk.

I recommend "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" to all women (and men) out there. It is a more realistic view of the whole process told from the views of those of us in the motherhood sorority. Those things you don't dare ask your Doctor about. If you have ever been pregnant, even if it was 30 yrs ago I still say read it. The author is hilarious and makes you feel oh so better about the fact that your butt has grown larger than your tummy or you found a stray hair in a place that shouldn't have sprouted.


  1. I have the Girlfriend's Guide ot the First Year! Or had, maybe? Anyway, yeah, they were great. And I have unfortunately seen bitches be in a size two three months later and not even put a boob in the kid's mouth. Grr. Rare though.

  2. You cramp, I'll cramp, we'll all cramp!!

  3. Sorry for my delay, but CONGRATULATIONS!

    I'm getting caught up on all the news I've missed the last several days (I've been on the road).

    Also, thanks for playing along with the tag!
