Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mental disorders are the new Normal!

I was reading that like 1/3 of the population in the U.S. suffers from at least one panic or anxiety attack per year. Most of them do not develop anxiety or panic disorders but the number that do is staggering and on the rise. Anxiety and Panic disorder effect more people that OCD, bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, ADHD, Phobias, Alcohol Abuse, or depression. Given that statistic only 21% actively seek help for it. Anxiety Disorder strikes between 3 and 6 million people and is more likely in women than in men. That is a lot of people!

Anxiety disorder has been my private monster for more than 16 years. I clearly remember being seven years old and in a full on attack. It was terrifying. My skin felt like it was on fire yet chilled. I had the shakes, nausea with vomiting, and a strong belief that I was going to die. I am one of those lucky people that has genetics going against them. On my mother's side of the family there is a chemical imbalance that is passed down like a treasured heirloom. We do not create the proper level of chemicals in our brains that we should. I know that for myself it creates headaches and dizzy spells that do not sit well with my stomach. Feeling sick makes me cranky and I lash out at those around me. Then I feel bad since they did not do anything to deserve being yelled at. Thank God I found therapy and strong medication!

There are those out there *ahem Mr. Tom "I <3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_4">meds and get a real dose of crazy. There was one time in my life that I spent 2 months off any medication because I had no insurance. They were horrible. Yes I could function on the most basic of levels but I did not want to. Everything was a hassle and I constantly felt like crap. So now I am "normal" again. I like my normal better than Tom's. I saw that episode of Oprah on youtube. No way is that boy sane.


  1. We're all panicking because we don't know what the hell we're doing.
    In my ever so humble opinion. :)

  2. Did you know if you google "anita blake adopt a pop" your page is the first one to come up? And nothign else relates to it so I am guessing that is not the name of the place you got the graphic from. Don't mind me, I like googling random things.
