Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fairy Tales 2

This one is my favorite fairy tale. That is why it gets a whole post dedicated to it.

If you know your Disney Classics then you recognize the villain on the left. Maleficent. The evil fairy(?) from Sleeping Beauty. Is it just me or does any one else think she was created as a cross between the Evil Stepmother from Snow White and The Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz? She even has her own version of flying monkeys. Well, except that they are not monkey and they can't fly. Still evil henchmen though!

I think we can all sympathize with Maleficent. She was a little miffed that she did not get invited to the party of the year. How could she miss that slight? Like she was going to believe every one in the kingdom had to wash their hair that night. How does she handle it? She curses the popular girl with death by sewing machine. Deep down Maleficent is sensitive because a laid back soul would have been a little less over dramatic.

That is the girl in question on the right. She is not usually blue. Just the picture.
Aurora or Brier Rose as she is sometimes called is whisked off to live with three not so dramatic fairies in the forest. The plan is to keep her there until she turns sixteen. That is the age the curse comes into play. I would have kept her hidden until seventeen so the curse would be null. How smart is it to keep her out of the public eye until she is in danger? Not the best plan ever hatched.

Poor girl is bored out of her mind so she has started talking to the local wildlife and singing like a lunatic at the top of her lungs. ANOTHER lost prince wanders upon ANOTHER hidden princess. Seriously, get GPS. They fall in love not knowing that they are already betrothed from the cradle. That causes a little friction.

Philip wants to marry Brier Rose but he is promised to Aurora. Brier Rose wants to marry Philip but she has to go home and marry unknown Prince. Gee how useful would a little honest communication have been to these two?

Pouty Princess allows herself to be duped into coma by manuel labor. Grimm's Tale has her sleeping for a very long time. I prefer the quick nap Disney does. Philip rides to the rescue but before he can smooch sleepy he has to battle the baddie. Maleficent goes overboard again turning herself into a dragon that belches green flames. Not very familiar with fairy tales I guess or she would know that part of Prince 101 is dragon slaying to save yon maiden. The inevitable takes place. Prince slays dragon, Princess awakens from true love's kiss, happy couple get happy ever after.

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