Saturday, September 20, 2008

A good hat is hard to find

Last night the family took a trip to Walmart to pick up some items we missed during the bi weekly mad dash grocery shopping adventure. J wanted to buy a hat for the air show. It must be part of the dress code since J is not a hat guy. He is also not a sports or beer guy making hats he will wear hard to find. We had Guinness, corona, St. Louis rams, St. Louis Cardinals, and Illinois State to choose from. Oh yes, a several styles of "The Dark Night" hat. It was a good movie but not so much a good hat. After much digging we finally found a Ford hat. J was raised by a ford technician (see: Mechanic. Apparently they do not like that word.) making it the perfect choice for head wear.

J just left leaving behind a devastated little boy. Daddy is the the be all and end all of Rory's universe. I am just a minor star. That is okay though. I like that they have such a closely bonded relationship. If Lorelei's current behavior is a future indicator she is going to be a mommy's girl. J says we each ought to have at least on shadow. She lights up when he comes home from work. No way is she not going to his little princess. She gives him this coy little grin and he cannot help but laugh. Isn't that how it should be?

1 comment:

  1. I have cut back my trips to WalMart to twice a week! I just felt like leaving a random comment that had little to do with your blog. :D
