The weather is so nice I almost want to venture outside. *shudder* I loathe the sun because it makes me hot so I am happy we are changing seasons I know I need to move to Alaska with
Palin. I think I would love the lengthy period of time when the sun doesn't come up but hate it when it was the other way around. I appreciate the sun but I just saw it as a heat lamp from all the years in TX. We are slowly building a better relationship together. Speaking of the sun and the things it is capable of, you can grow pugs in a pot! I found Inigo sitting in this flower pot. Once upon a time it had a cucumber plant in it. Alas it died. Inigo says it makes a nice seat. We have three tomato plants and one herb pot outside as well. I guess I should say two tomato plants. Inigo uprooted one and played with it to death. I wonder if that is what happened to the cucumbers?
That is cute!!