Sorry I have been lax lately. Without going into details I will say that my unborn child is kicking my butt unmercifully. We have had a trip to the ER which involved an IV and one blown vein, that hurts really bad by the way. Double digit weight loss from all the vomiting. Medication to keep the nausea at bay, switched a regular medication because baby hates it. Add in indigestion that feels like a rib spreader in my sternum and constipation with cramps, just a small window into my world. Pretty isn't it? Probably TMI but I really have given up caring about the rest of the world. Only children that work in south american sweatshops have my pity these days.
Motherhood suits me, pregnancy does not. I hate it. I did all this before with my son and swore it would never happen again. Shame on me, I lied. I listened to the fairy tales that every pregnancy is different. They meant different in the sense that two apples may not have the same shape but are still apples all the same. Oh this time is different all right. The medicine that worked like a charm with Rory do not quite cut it this time. Several ailments that stayed away until the third trimester have popped up in just my 7th week. I have been told mother nature is fair so I pray that when I enter my second trimester I can get some relief. Oh and if I meet one more Mama that never had a "lick of morning sickness" I am going to puke on her.
On top of all this loveliness J leaves for FL on Sunday not to return until sometime in January. That means two 13 hour drives to visit with a toddler, mother, and asthmatic cat in tow. I do believe that what does not kill me makes me stronger but I would have preferred to stay a bit farther from death's door. I feel like I am crowding him. God must have something great planned for me cause he sure is piling on the tests of character.
P.S. Mom had a problem with the nickname I had given my inutero kiddo. I had coined the name 'parasite' with Rory so this one was 'parasite pt. duex'. Mom said "Let's call the baby Sam until we find out gender since Sam can be either Samuel or Samantha. I said "How about S.A.M. for Small Alien Mammal." So from now on 'it' will be referred to as S.A.M. until gender and name is figured out.