Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Not a total slacker

I had intended to do the bloggy tradition thing where on your 100th post you put up 100 random things about yourself. Those who know me realize that I am a pretty open person and there really are not a lot of things I won't tell you. I cannot think up that many things about me that don't get into the stuff like "I am a girl." and "I was born once."

In that spirit here is what I do have since I am not a total slacker.

Breath like Darth Vader in my sleep.
Hate the ocean because I fear I will be eaten by sharks.
Like sushi.
Refuse to eat crunchy peanut butter.
Do not have a favorite color.
Laugh during a crisis.
Was born on the same day as William Shakespeare (he died on his birthday) & Shirley Temple Black.
Graduated my Junior year from High School.
Like thanksgiving because of pumpkin pie and jellied cranberry sauce.
Believe that all movies are separated into two categories. Horror and non-horror.
Do not have a nickname.
Wanted to be a veterinarian, English teacher, FBI profiler, & a psychiatrist at different points growing up.
Had two weddings six month apart to the same man in the same church.
Tore the lingual frenulum that attaches the tongue to the bottom of mouth.
Have never broken a bone.
Am still scared of Gremlins.
Despise movies whose intent is to make me cry. It all started with Steel Magnolias.
Met my husband on the Internet before realizing that we went to the same school.

School mascot was a buckeye. We didn’t look fierce but eat us and you will die!
First word was “No.” Guess I heard it a lot.
Hometown celebrates the Yam every October in a festival called the Yamboree.
Father did not have a middle name.

Meal is BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, & sweet tea.
Ice cream is a Bluebell’s dutch chocolate.
Movie is The Princess Bride.
Horror Movie is Aliens.
TV series ever is Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Holiday is Halloween.

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