Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pain in the rear.

This is such a mom post.

When it comes to diaper rash, I swear by Desitin. The original super thick stuff. Not that pansy easy to spread junk. Rory had a few mild to medium diaper rashes. Nothing that didn't look 100 times better after a day of desitin painting. I noticed Lorelei had a diaper rash last Saturday. It wasn't clearing up like I wanted but wasn't bad enough for medical intervention. Thursday night J and I went out to dinner with a couple from church. When we got home I took Lorelei back to my bedroom to get her changed into her pajamas. She must have sensed I would be home soon. She had created a poopy masterpiece in her diaper. As I am cleaning her up I see that there are these blisters. One pass with the wipey and we have broken open, bleeding baby behind. It was awful. I quickly handed her off to her Grandma and Aunt T so I could drive to Walgreen's. The pharmacist on duty either hates his job or the late shift. He was helpful but I got the feeling it took a lot out of him. He suggested we get to the Doc in the morning.

Doctor rook one peek and prescribed antibiotic, hydrocortizone, and lots of diaper rash ointment. She is starting to heal. Poor kid had to have Tylenol for the pain in her rear. Lorelei hates how long it takes me to change her diaper right now. She gives me these bored looks. "Hurry up, Mom. I have places to be."

1 comment:

  1. I had sensitive babies that couldn't use Desitin. Boudreauxs Butt Paste is pretty awesome. :D
