The tree and other misc. Christmas decorations went up yesterday. That means that today there are six broken candy canes and various ornaments scattered across my living room floor. The cats play a game I call "eviction" every night after the people go to sleep. Any object that is deemed unfit is launched from the tree. Sometimes they break, thankfully, I learned long ago that glass ornaments were a no no. A small bell must have come off one off last night because Inigo helped himself to it this morning after breakfast. My tree is quite small by today's standards. Not even six foot tall. I do not think it can support the level of abuse it receives from the feline population. This reminds me of a family story.
My Aunt B had a cat named Misty from the time I could remember until I was in junior high. Misty was a bossy, mischievous (so normal) cat. Aunt B put up her tree one year and added silver tinsel. I hate the stuff. It never stays on the tree but rather becomes a festive decoration for the floor. God forbid you have carpet. You can vacuum all day and never get it all. Anyways, Misty must have been feeling the Christmas spirit because she ate the tinsel on the tree. Later when nature tried to *ahem* pass the shiny string along it did not quite make it to the litter pan. Instead Misty walks by Aunt B with pretty silver strands of tinsel hanging below her tail. You know somewhere out there is a mom who shares the same story but with her toddler. Misty the Christmas cat is a source of hilarity in our family to this day. We miss Tinsel Butt. May she rest in peace.
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