Monday, January 14, 2008

Why I will never be on "How Clean is your House?"

When I got out of bed this morning after setting Rory up with cartoons I began to work on the house. I got laundry going, took out the trash, put away all the items that found a way out of their proper place, & feed the pets. I still need to sweep up and mop but I decided to take a break first. This whole break consisted of me feeling like a slob because my butt hit chair before my broom met floor.

Is there some gene that becomes active after you marry and have kids that causes guilt if you don't make the house sparkle in one swipe? Granted my house has never sparkled. There is no such thing as sparkle when you have six cats, two dogs, and toddler. It has had a dull glow from time to time though. I am very proud of that. :0)

Sassy tries to remind me that Duh! I am 26 weeks pregnant and cannot do it all without risking harm. I know and I do not try to, I just wish that nagging feeling of things left undone would understand it. Maybe I should just kidnap Martha Stewart and be done with it. Then again I would probably die from that much organization. I kind of thrive on mild chaos. It makes me feel okay about not being perfect. Oh well. I wouldn't have any trouble taking on Paula Deen as a cook though. Gift idea people!

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