Thursday, June 4, 2009

Go back to bed!

Rory has figured out that he can get out of his room at will. He knows better than to pop out at nap time or bedtime. Doesn't stop him from opening the door, barking a request, then slamming the door closed. Usually the request is "can I get out?"
Unlike his mother Rory is not much of a sleeper. He can be heard singing or playing several hours after he has been put to bed. Nap time is always a will he/won't he guessing game. As long as he stays in his room quietly for the allotted amount of time I am cool with the no napping thing. The past two mornings Rory has started his day at 7 AM. A loud three year old running two dogs back and forth down the hall is kind of hard to ignore. Lorelei and I are forced out of bed far earlier than we would like.
So tempting to put the childproof doorknob thing back on.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Sounds like my Lydia! She finally says in her room at bed time. If she gets up too early I can usually convince her to stay in bed with me and watch cartoons or go back to sleep. Hannah is the one who doesn't want to stay in her room at bed time and nap time. So call me mean, but until she goes to sleep her room is double gated (since she can climb over the gate too.) She can't escape, gives up, gets in bed, and goes to sleep. After she is asleep the gates come down, so it works! Since Lydia isn't in the room at nap time her door is closed and locked (she hasn't figured out the locks yet). i check on her occasionally. She always plays for a few minutes and then goes to sleep then too. Locks and childproofing stuff were made for me and my kids! I swear!
