Tuesday, June 16, 2009

dancing with the mice

Posting when you are suffering from a lack of sleep is not smart. I learned my lesson when I re-read my "sheep" post. I have been a bit stressed out of late. I think we might just get this house/lease thing figured out this week. That will go a long way toward defusing my stress and returning me to my usual chipper self.

Lorelei has figured out clapping. She applauds herself for everything. It is so cute we just have to join in. She is such a little stinker. Rory was a golden child at this age. He was so sweet and peaceful. Lorelei is a spitfire in a diaper. Nothing and no one is safe. We are in for a ride with her. Rory has come into his own since his quiet baby days. He keeps up with his sister just fine. The two of them together really cement the belief that I am done having more children. What would I do with a third crazy kiddo? I know, invest in a straight jacket.

The yard critters are back. Are they mice? Are they voles? Do I care? Not really. I took the trash out yesterday and two of whatever they are went running past my bare foot. I did a nice little hopping jig. I like to entertain the neighborhood with interpretive dance. I called that particular piece "Eek!" As long as Mickey and Minnie stay outside until we move we will get along.

1 comment:

  1. . I like to entertain the neighborhood with interpretive dance. I called that particular piece "Eek!"

    You totally crack me up.
