Monday, June 29, 2009

Swiss Sofa

There is a war being waged in my house. (Seems like there always is these days.) The main aggressor is under 2 yrs old and has a limited vocabulary. Her current opponent is not even human. It is princess general lorelei vs. inigo the pugliest for the rights to my lap. She won the first two rounds because she is louder. Being the most annoying gets you a lot. Ever hear the phrase the squeaky wheel gets the oil?
Inigo is in the proverbial dog house so he should not be getting any momma time anyways. The rotten beast ate a hole in my mother's chaise. Call me crazy but I prefer the furniture not resemble swiss cheese. While we are on the subject of Inigo's indiscretions I should mention that he brought me a gift he found in the back yard. Buster.
Another Internet celeb bites the dust. It is possible that it was one of his siblings. When I look down to spot a dead bird at my feet I really don't care much beyond how quick I can dispose of it. I don't know if Inigo is responsible for the death. It wasn't in bad shape if you get my drift. Could have been the massive downpour, lack of food, various animals, divine intervention, who knows? I do not plan on dwelling on it after this post. I love animals and nature. Sorry he died. Really sorry he chose my backyard to keel over. In the end Mother Nature is a harsh taskmaster. That is why I try to avoid it.

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