Wednesday, June 24, 2009


lots of commotion over here. I tested my hand at wild bird rescue this afternoon. Got the kids up from nap time to this pathetic chirping. Some Internet research and phone calls led to the events that follow in video below.

Meet Buster

This is where Buster is supposed to be.

Buster's siblings

Rescue attempt #1

Rescue attempt #2

Just going to hang out and wait for Mom.

I am happy to report that both Mom and Dad bird have returned to tutor little Buster more. No idea if they will get him back in the nest. I went out to check on him but his parents let me know I was not welcome. I backed off, happy to no longer feel the need to worry about him.


  1. "Just please... don't... hurt me!" Heheh. Sounds like my pep talk everytime I have to pick up an animal at work. :D

  2. I cannot express how pathetic I felt being afraid of a flightless baby bird. I don't like birds to tell you the truth.
