Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Meme from Chelsea Morning.

skipped school? Yes. I was almost considered truant by the state of Texas. I had to make up the missed days by going to detention twice a week and on saturdays.

watched someone die? Saw my dad the day before he died.

been to Canada? No.

been to Mexico? Just New Mexico.

been to Florida? Yep.

been on a plane? Yes, but I was so little that I rode for free so no memory.

been lost? Oh heavens yes. That is why I have built in navigation in any car I own.

been on the opposite side of the country? Yes. New York, NY from East Texas.

gone to Washington, DC? yep, when I was nine.

swam in the ocean? Yes but not by choice, I was peer pressured! I am deathly afraid of open water.

had your booze taken away by the cops? Nope just my husband.

lettered in a high school sport? I quit before I got the letter. Dance Team

cried yourself to sleep? Yes.

played cops and robbers? I am sure I did.

played dolls? I love my dolls!

recently colored with crayons? Yep.

sang Karaoke? No. I try to avoid singing for anyone other than my kids.

paid for a meal with coins only? Ha! I just paid that way at Sonic yesterday.

done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yeah, I got pregnant again after my son.

cheated on an exam? Yes. It was a book keeping class in high school. The teacher left us alone for the whole class period with the answer key onher desk. Knock Knock, it's temptation calling. Oh yeah I answered.

made prank phone calls? I honestly do not remember.

laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Yes. Oh it burns.

caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes.

danced in the rain? Yep.

written a letter to Santa Claus? I had special stationary for him.

been kissed under the mistletoe? Nope. Don't need it for an excuse to kiss the man I love.

watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yes. J & I chaperoned a church youth group lock in. We were the only ones to last til morning.

been arrested? Never.

blown bubbles? Not in a long time. I bought my son a bubble gun so I would not have too. I am so lazy.

gone ice-skating. Once. Didn't last long because my mom feel on her broken arm.

been skinny dipping outdoors? No.

had a nickname? Not really. Some people call me Bridge but I do not encourage it. J calls me love muffin

been to Africa? No and you couldn't pay me to go there.

eaten cookies for dinner? ha! yes.

been on TV? No.

stolen any traffic signs? Does being an accessory to the crime count? J and I were with some of his friends when they tried to get a speed limit sign. It ended up coming up sign, pole, & cement.

been in a car accident? 1

What is your....mother's name? beverly.

favorite drink? sweet tea.

favorite alcohol? bahama mama.

birthplace? Andrews AFB, Maryland.

favorite vacation spot? texas

Favorite salad dressing? ranch.

favorite pie? cherry.

favorite number? 4.

favorite movie? princess bride.

favorite holiday? Christmas.

favorite food? mexican or sushi

favorite day of the week? Friday.

favorite brand of body wash? mandaerin orange (B&BW).

favorite toothpaste? Colgate or crest.

favorite smell? J's.

Do you have any...tattoos? 3

body piercings? Ears.

Do you drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? van, 4 doors.

What do you do to relax? Sleep. That's extremely relaxing. And I read. A lot.

How do you see yourself in 10 years? homeschooling

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