Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hair no more

Never, NEVER make your wife angry and then hand her a pair of electric hair clippers. All the ranting will prevent her from paying attention. she will not notice that the guard is off. The assumption that you want her to check for any uneven spots might be made. Now you have a a bald spot the approximate size of a playing card on the side of your head. This might have happened at my house.

Okay so it did happen. I swear I would never mangle a persons physical appearance on purpose. Being a woman I understand how important hair is. J's will look normal again in two weeks but right now he is bald. Completely. I tried to fix it. Just kept getting worse. I apologized profusely. J is a handsome man no matter how he wears his hair but bald is not his best style.

In other news... THE TX HOUSE SOLD!!!!
We close June 16. As soon as that is over we will talk to a loan officer about pre-approval and then find our new(bigger) home. PRAY that everything goes through!


  1. Oh no!! I am so glad I don't have to cut hair with clippers.... or any hair for that matter. This would totally happen to me. Hope it grows fast!!!

  2. Yay! On the house selling!! Def praying everything goes through! Awesome!
