Sunday, January 18, 2009


I have started this post four times in the last twelve days. Illness swept over my house. If you remember there are eight people in my house. J brought it home to share with me. I of course accepted like a good wife. He got better in two days. I slipped into a cold coma. Or I would have, had my children not partaken in Daddy's gift as well. Rory, who is like is father in every other way, appears to have inherited his immune system as well. After two miserable days, presto! All better. He still has a lingering cough and runny nose but so does every one in the Midwest right now I think. Lorelei likes her Mother's spirit. I prefer the "I think I might be dying" approach. I have been to the doctor more in the past two weeks than I care to think on. It took me two attempts to get Lorelei treated by a competent doctor. Doctor no. 1 blew me off because I am an over protective mom. Darn tootin' and proud of it! In November and December she had two double ear infections. It makes sense that in January I would notice the signs when they began. But no, I have no degree so what do I know, right? God Bless Doctor number two. He was the one who diagnosed our November infection. Today we found out she has yet another ear infection. This time it is further along. Might not have been if Doc 1 had been any good.
The rest of the Fam joined it about seven days behind me. Delayed reaction due to the fact that none of them drink after or kiss on the original infectees. I no longer feel like death is imminent. That's progress. You can still find me by the trail of Kleenex boxes. How one person can produce so much gunk is amazing.

It is not just the two legged who are sick. Nope. Even one of the fuzzy felines had to go to the doctor. Pickles became a member of the family in 2003. The plan had been to find her a home but when the time came it broke my heart too much to watch her leave. She has always had serious issues with urinary tract infections. We have been to vet after vet. They diagnose, prescribe, the end. Few months later we start over again. This newest round we went to yet another new vet. She ran some tests that had never been run before. Lo and behold we got some answers. Pickles has staph intermedius in her bladder. Has probably had it for a long time. She needs special food to help keep her healthy. Gee wish I had known this years ago. Could have saved me time and money not to mention the pain my cat has been in!

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