Monday, July 20, 2009

Instant Karma- it could happen to you!

You might think Instant Karma is just a song but it is also our family slogan. I actually did not know it was a song until today. Sad, I know. I like the Beatles but not a fan of the Lennon/Yoko stage. This contributed to my lack of knowledge. I first heard the phrase Instant Karma from Samantha. I also learned to say eat the happy little kitten in Spanish. That one has no real world application for me. We were in our sophomore World History class. We were bantering as we often did. I let go of a zinger and then hurt myself almost immediately. "Instant Karma," Samantha said.
Our kiddos hear this a lot. Maybe it makes us bad parents, I dunno. One child aggravates the other then promptly trips. We check for blood/broken bones and then respond to them with instant karma. J and I are the most frequent victims of this phenomena. I think we are just uncoordinated. Since we are almost always picking on each other it makes sense that these accidents are usually preceded by some action or remark that had us just asking for cosmic retribution.
We also use the game Marco Polo as echo location in our house. We are not a normal family by any stretch of the imagination.


  1. I am laughing. Heheh, that is awesome.

  2. Wow, that sounds so oddly familiar. We are all about the Karma. Ours started back when Josey was maybe 4 and Ben two. Josey pushed Ben and then promptly got bit by an ant. I can't remember if it was Adam or me that said well, that's Karma but I definitely remeber Josey running to Debbie telling her he got bit by a karma bug. Anyways, we do marco polo too. Normal is just not fun .
