Wednesday, April 25, 2007

where have I been?

Exciting News
My bestie K had MK! April 24th @ 3:09 PM. 7Ilbs 7 ozs., 19 1/2 inches. Good amount of dark hair, gorgeous complexion. Mom's nose and lips, Dad's chin and eyes. She was delivered by C Section. MK decided that she wanted to check the weather first so she stuck her arm out before mom ever even got to push. K's Dr decided that she should be a c section since she also moved her body to go with the hand. She is such a precious girl and so tiny. Very mild (so far). Hopefully she will be an easy baby since JB Jr spent the first six months driving his parents bonkers with colic. I am going to try and post pics later!

Goals Update
1. I did work on my book some. I am very happy with my main characters development. I feel like I have made her more "human" to the reader. I explored her darker side. The instincts that all humans have to survive no matter the cost. It got a little bit gory but I have always been a horror fan so that really does not bother me. What is a good supernatural thriller without a little blood?
2. Lost a few more pounds. Taking Slimquick twice a day to help out. Watching what goes in. Yay me. Have been focusing on my abdominals to try and draw in the waistline. It is going to take time and patience but I am commited to getting results.
3. No naps! I have not been sleeping in the daytime so I have more time each day to accomplish the tasks I want. I sleep better at night, go figure. Also since I am tired I have less anxiety attacks during the night. Gotta love that. Late night anxiety attacks have plauged me for as long as I can remember. I have some pills for it but I prefer to NOT have the attacks at all. The new antidepressents are supposed to help with anxiety too. Switched from Celexa to Effexor.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Anyone who knows me well will tell you I have a voracious appetite for reading. Recently this has been a problem in my house. I can spend so much money on books in a matter of secconds. I devour them usually within a 24 hour period. The book industry is booming on my contribution alone. Well I have found a great new site that allows me to indulge myself while spending almost nothing. I heard about it in a parenting magazine while I was waiting for my oral surgeon to start surgery on my wisdom teeth. I am surprised I even remembered having read the article afterwards. I was so drugged up and on pain killers.
Anyways...hte story was about a new internet business that allows users to swap books with each other. You post what you have and what you want in the database and if something you put is on anothers lists they notify you. There is a $20 memebership fee per year and if you do not have any credits stored up from swaps (1 credit per book) then you have to buy them but even with all that it is still a huge saving. In only 3 months time I have saved over $150! That is minus my memebership fee and NEVER having to buy credits. So if you are like me then check it out.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Self Improvement

I suppose I have to congratulate myself on doing a better job around the house but I still feel like I am under achieving. My goals are so much higher than the minimal work I put out there. I know what my problems are. They say that is the first step in bettering yourself. I sleep too much so that I only have a small amount of time to get the housework done. Rory is fairly good at night now, even though he still has a few nocturnal foibles. I really have no excuse for napping in the day other than pure laziness. Lord knows I am very lazy if I think I can get away with it. Well no more!
Goal # 1
I really want to lose weight. I have a wedding to attend in June. I do not want all the pictures to reflect how I look now. Well the diet fairy is not going to come scrape the pounds off. I have to start telling myself to quit complaining about food and weight and do the work! What a novel idea. Speaking of novels...
Goal # 2
...mine is not going to write itself. I have seven chapters written but each time I go back to it I feel like I need to revamp what I have already done. Got to stop that. Plenty of time to get the trusty red pen out and bleed all over it when it is finished. Not like I have a deadline here. I love writing my story. The characters seem so real to me and I genuinely want to tell "their" story. Note to the reader: characters are work of fiction and not corporeal except in my own little reality.
Goal #3
$$$$! Must spend less. I am not spending the grocery money on shoes or anything but I still need to stick to a budget. I tend to be a bit carefree with the cash. Plus the things I buy on a whim just end up junk in no time at all.

I think I will leave it at that for now. No need to write EVERY flaw I have.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Here I go...

Going to give this blogging thing a try. Got the idea from GrowthSpurts. Bear with me.