Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back from the brink

Finally back. Finished with pregnancy. No more labor and delivery. Life can return to some sort of normal. Of course normal for me now is way different that when we last "talked". I am now a mother of two not one. My son is no longer the baby in the house. He will always be my baby but he is also a big brother to a sister. He does okay with her. He tries to play with her a little too rough, can get a little jealous from time to time, and over excited. All to be expected. He is very sweet and loving to her so we breathe a sigh of relief. He likes her, he really likes her!

Here is the doting daddy. Still a little unsure when they are this size but he is coping. Since she is his daughter he says it is easier.

Two weeks old. So far I hear from everyone that she looks like me. We will see if she continues to do so or if she changes. It is only fair that she look like me since Rory looks like J's clone.

Clio is the best babysitter.


  1. Amory loves her little sister. Little sister just does not share that feeling. Lol.

    Remember Midnite? Yeah, not so good as Clio. She was more of a sit on TOP of the baby type. :/
