Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fire bad

I should have known when Rory was around a year old that he was going to be fire curious. One of my friends was holding him at a party I was having and did not spot the candle on the counter behind her. Rory poked the flame. No damage at all thank the lord. Flash forward about almost a year later and not so lucky. Twice.

Recently Rory was trying to fiddle with something ( I was not present so do not know what the something was) and J had to quickly remove him from danger. Unfortunatly J's quick thinking did not include dropping the lighter he had been using to start a fire in the fireplace. The warm metal tip brushed the top of Rory's ear. The burn was very minor but still hurt like nuts I am sure. We did all the burn remedy stuff and lots of triple antibiotic ointment. Healed beautifully.

The previous Friday night we are all watching television together in the den with a nice fire in the fireplace. Rory was playing and happy and then chaos. The bottom of the fireplace has a decorative grate with a star pattern repeated in it. Rory starts screaming and I am looking his whole body over when I notice said start on the back of his left hand. From his wrist to the middle knuckle on his middle finger was red and starteing to swell. Immediately we set him up with a cold compress (advice I later found that is given by the Mayo Clinic) and some tylenol for pain. To make a long tragic story short we ended up with some little blisters as the most extreme part of the damage done.

Still treating it but he seems to care less what we do. This is what concerns me. I hope he learned something because I do not think my blood pressure can take it. I swear I am that childs shadow now.

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