Saturday, December 29, 2007
Holiday Hoopla
Rory tried to give himself brain damage. He hit the same spot on his forehead over and over. First was the corner of a book shelf that left a nice crease for about an hour. Grandma helped him bonk it on the ceramic tile floor and the bathroom door not once but twice. This was followed by a temper snit of his that ended with him head butting the rim of a very thick glass. He quickly found out that hurt no one else and would be best not to repeat it during the next tantrum. Last (that I can attest to) was when he opened the silverware drawer and well, you know.
I had several blonde moments. My two favorites are when I told my cousin's GF what I got her for Christmas BEFORE she had a chance to open it and when I tried to shut the trunk to the van on my head. Guess we know where Rory gets his affinity for head wounds.
Let's see then there was the cat fiasco parts 1 and 2.
Part 1: Simon escapes
J and I get back from a goodbye breakfast at IHOP with his family to find the front door to my Aunt L's house locked. I can see my mother eating her breakfast at the table and working on a sudoku puzzle. This would normally be the point in the story when the locked out party knocks and is heard. Not in mine. Mom is deaf so no can hear me. J found a window unlocked and we broke in. The smart thing to do would have been to immediately put the screen back on the window. Again not done in this story. The window was in our room so we opened later for some cooler air and Simon leaps for freedom. J and Aunt L go out into the pitch darkness to find him. J has to herd the runaway from several houses down only to be attacked by the frightened feline. Finally they got him corralled and back inside but not without J looking like he was on the losing end of a bar fight. That is what we told him to tell people. No one wants to admit they got whooped by a cat.
Part 2: Squeaky turns blue
Finally on the road home to IL when I hear a hacking gurgle from the backseat. Mom's cat is vomiting cat food on the presents. Pull over, glare at cat, clean up. Drive another 30 miles and more hack/gurgle. Pull over, beat cat, clean up. All the excitement has set poor kitty into one of his asthma attacks. Now we have to find a vet in Andalusia, AL. One hour and $98 later back on the road.
It's good to be home.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Writer's Strike destroyed my TV

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Desperate for my Housewife status back.

J asked me not to long ago if I had any issues with our marriage. That is the equivalent to "Do I look fat in this?" We decided it had been so long since we were able to co habitat that we forgot all those little nit picky problems couples have. I am confident they will resurface though. Little buggers never stay gone forever.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Attack of the sequels
The Rocky & Rambo series. Hmm, I like Stallone but can't we find him something better to do? There are no good roles out there for him to do? Well maybe he ought to do what Arnold did and bury himself in politics.
If I see another Freddy or Jason movie I am going to scream. Eventually the bad guys either need to die for good or just win already.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Blank Check
Pardon me while I chuckle.
Okay I am done now.
How do you spend $12,000 in Target. Why it is really very simple my dear. Take one stay at home mom on a budget and set her free with a blank check. Can you hear that choir made up of heavenly host singing over head. Oh yeah, I do.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
acne rant

Friday, December 7, 2007
Snowy goodness.

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
No Passport
Saturday, November 24, 2007

P.S. Don't you feel sorry for that chihuahua? Whatever that cat is plotting is going to sting.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Quick thoughts from CNN
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Holidays are here

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I am the boring one.

My laid back, no nonsense attitude is a source of contention between me and my conspiracy theorist hubby. I still remember when we first discussed the whole "big Brother" privacy issue. First of all I agree with him that there is always more going on that we know about. I agree that we probably have less privacy than we think due to govt monitoring. Does this bother me? Not really. Why?
A- I cannot do anything about it. Besides I feel a little safer knowing that they have their ears to the ground.
B- I am very boring and not worth monitoring. Seriously, who would watch a reality TV show about me? Heck, I wouldn't.
Poor J. Little does he know that he is pretty boring too. I grew up with the knowledge that somehow I always got caught when I was bad. It is sort of an odd family legacy passed down to each generation. I would never excel in a life of crime. In the movie of life I am just the comic relief.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Back in action
Since I am preggers and it is quote "Just your allergies" I am not being given anything other than clariten and a dose of benadryl before bedtime. The Doctor also warned me that this always last longer in us knocked up folks so I should expect to get comfortable with mucus.
The time we spent in Florida was great. I had a blast with my Aunt and cousins. Of course having my husband handy after an 8 week absence made me so deliriously blissful there was not much bringing me down. Both of my cousins have new love interests so I met them. I approve heartily. That is of course what Jim and Alicia have been waiting for, the approval of a younger cousin. Rory was enamored of Jim's girlfriend Liz. Soon as she hit the door he was on her. Alicia's Fiancee Crew was Rory's giant teddy bear friend.
Took Rory trick or treating for the first time. He did not really understand the logic behind it but the kid was crazy about strangers with candy. (Maybe not the best message?) We went with my cousin Jim, Liz, and their two rug rats. Rory was dressed as a pumpkin but as the night went on he ended up in just his onesie. It was quite hot and that pumpkin get up was making him sweat. Derrick and Isaac (7 & 5) were both ninjas. Derrick lost most of his ninja tools over the course of the night. Isaac was less than ninja like with his frequent tumbles across the lawn.
The next day was Rory's 2ND birthday. We had a transformers cake with chocolate ice cream. Presents included a little people's farmhouse, talking light up police car, john Deere tractor with animals, and a race car that counts in seven languages. The police car was hi favorite. I actually just bought him the matching fire truck for Christmas.
We spent some time with John's side of the family also. His Papa Jorge and Grandma Joann took us out to eat twice. We ate once with Aunt Jan and Uncle Bill. They took us to a seafood restaurant on the boardwalk. It was very cool. Finally got to meet Adam (Jan's son) who John has told countless childhood tales about. Very nice guy. The day before we left was our fifth wedding anniversary. Woo hoo! That makes nine years that we have been a couple. Here's to nine more.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Outta here!

Plot: South American killer spider hitches a lift to the US in a coffin and starts to breed and kill.
Tag Line: Eight legs, two fangs and an attitude.
Trivia: Mustard packs were used for effects for all the squashing of spiders underfoot.
The small spiders used in the film were Avondale spiders (Delena Cancerides), a harmless species from New Zealand that were provided by Landcare Research in Auckland. Despite their fierce appearance, this spider is docile member of the crab-spider family and are, in fact, harmless to humans. They were not allowed back in New Zealand for quarantine reasons. The giant "spider" used in the film was a species of a bird-eating tarantula, which attains an 8" legspan or more. Those types of tarantula are not easy to handle and can give a nasty bite. The spiders in the film were managed and handled by famed entomologist Steven R. Kutcher.
Quotes: Delbert McClintock: Would anyone object if I tore this floor out? Molly Jennings: I would. Delbert McClintock: False alarm then. Lead on.
Sheriff Lloyd Parsons: [introducing Delbert to Doctor Atherton] Excuse me. Professor? This is our town exterminator. Delbert McClintock: Delbert McClintock, infestation management. Always nice to meet a collegue. Sheriff Lloyd Parsons: Now, he believes he came across one of the offending spiders a couple of hours ago. Doctor James Atherton: Might you have brought it with you? Delbert McClintock: Actually, he's probably still at the bottom of my shoe. You really can't tell what it is anymore.
Silent Hill

Quotes: Cybil Bennet: They used to say this place was haunted.
Rose: I think they were right.
Dark Alessa: Now is the end of day- and I am the Reaper!
Fans of the game will not be disappointed by this movie adaptation.
The Exorcist

Pazuzu: I'm not Regan.

Saturday, October 27, 2007
The House on South Trinity
Claudie Ashbrook has told of one occasion when she was doing laundry and heard a car door shut outside followed by feet ascending the stairs. She says the front door opened and the footsteps continued to come closer until they were behind her. She turned expecting to greet her husband and found no one was there. On a separate occasion she claims to have been visited in her bedroom while she rested one afternoon. The person told her to move her bedroom or she would die. Before Burnice got home that evening all the bedroom furniture had been switched with the far living room.
The Ashbrook daughters reported hearing sounds in the attic that were attributed to rats. They observed no other activity. One daughter even made the attic her room and never had any experiences.
Burnice was a man that loved to tinker with everything. He made several changes to the house while he lived there. Creating walls where there were none, boarding up doors. His departure from the house came in the early 1990's when he and his second wife moved to Arkansas. Burnice was convinced that staying in the house would ensure his death. Ironically the house is situated next door to a very prosperous funeral home.
The house stayed in the family with various relatives living in it at different times. There was very little activity other than just giving people the creeps in general until the summer of 1996. During her divorce Beverly Conroy, formerly Ashbr, moved into the house with her daughter. (who is me by the way) I experienced several disturbing events, some of which were witnessed by others.
First there were the music boxes. My mother collected carousel horses and several that played songs. These musical figures were lined up along furniture around the room. Being a teenager I spent a great deal of time on the phone with my friends. The only place to make a private call was in Mom's room. The music boxes had a bad habit of playing by themselves when i was alone with them. It was never one but more like five that would begin to play one at a time. They never interrupted each other. This became a common occurrence.
Another incident involved the remote control. I was sitting in the living room watching TV when the remote shot off the couch onto the floor where it continued to glide across to the front of the entertainment center. I left it there and fled to my room.
My room was on the side of the house the porch wraps around. It was a nice night so I had my windows opened. On the porch was an old rocking chair that had been a permanent fixture for as long as I could remember. I heard the creaking of the rocker first and then the humming began. Terrified I sat on my bed nest to that opened window and silently cried hugging my pillow. My mother came bursting in my room wanting to know why I had the radio up so loud. First of all my mother is considered deaf. She has a significant hearing loss in one ear and profound hearing loss in the other ear. Her TV was always turned up very loud and still she heard this music coming from my room. Now what I was hearing was very soft and feminine. Three times Mom went outside to investigate and all three times found nothing.
The last incident I had was scratching on the walls on the bathroom. I began to cry, again and pleaded for whatever it was to please go away. It did. We moved out less than four months later.
Believe me of don't but that is my story.
Friday, October 26, 2007

Plot: When a gigantic great white begins to menace the small island community of Amity, a police chief, a marine scientist and grizzled fisherman set out to stop it.
Tag Line: Don't go in the water
Trivia: In addition to the well-known nickname of "Bruce", Steven Spielberg also called the shark "the great white turd" when he really got frustrated with the troublesome animatronic fish.
Author Peter Benchley was thrown off the set after objecting to the climax.
When Roy Scheider was trapped in the sinking Orca, it took 75 takes to get the shot right. Scheider did not trust the special effects team to rescue him in case of an emergency so he hid axes and hatchets around the cabin just in case.

Robert Shaw could not stand Richard Dreyfuss and they argued all the time, which resulted in some good tension between Hooper and Quint.
Quotes: Quint: Back home we got a taxidermy man. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him.
Hooper: Boys, oh boys... I think he's come back for his noon feeding.
Did you know that I have an intense fear of sharks and open water? Yep. This is the movie that made sure I would spend no time in lakes, rivers, oceans...
The Ring

Tag Line: Before you die, you see the ring
Trivia: The tree with the fiery red leaves featured in the movie is a Japanese maple. The fruit of this tree is known as a "samara".
When Noah and Rachel return to the inn, at the end of the movie, there's a sign that reads "Closed until further notice", under the "Shelter Mountain Inn" sign. In an earlier cut of the film, the cabin manager dies from watching the tape (see "Alternate Versions"). Probably that's the reason for the inn being closed.
Quotes: Noah: I can't imagine being stuck down a well all alone like that. How long could you survive? Rachel Keller: Seven days.

Yikes. This movie was one of the very few that rattled me as an adult. Anymore it does not bother me but for a while there I was not sure I would ever stop dreaming about it.
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tag Line: They're Here.
Trivia: Mrs. Freeling's line "Mmmm... smell that mimosa." is taken directly from The Uninvited (1944).
Heather O'Rourke, who played the little girl Carol-Anne, and Dominique Dunne, who played the teenage daughter, are buried in the same cemetery: Westwood Memorial Park in Los Angeles. Dunne was strangled into brain-death by her boyfriend in 1982, the year of the film's release. Six years later, O'Rourke died of intestinal stenosis.
JoBeth Williams was hesitant about shooting the swimming pool scene because of the large amount of electrical equipment positioned over and around the pool. In order to comfort her, Steven Spielberg crawled in the pool with her to shoot the screen. Spielberg told her, "Now if a light falls in, we will both fry." The strategy worked and Williams got in the pool.
Quotes: Tangina: Y'all mind hanging back? You're jamming my frequency.
Tangina: It lies to her. It tells her things only a child can understand. It's been using her to restrain the others. To her, it simply is another child. To us, it is The Beast.
Tangina: This house is clean.
Resident Evil

Plot: A special military unit fights a powerful, out-of-control supercomputer and hundreds of scientists who have mutated into flesh-eating creatures after a laboratory accident.
Tag Line: Everyone died. The trouble is they didn't stay dead
Trivia: Like in the games, after something is switched on/off, something else happens elsewhere. When the Red Queen is deactivated for the first time, all doors elsewhere are opened.
Connections to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: - Main character's name is Alice. - Computer is named 'Red Queen'. - 'The Red Queen' needs to kill someone who is infected, so she tries to get someone else to chop off their head. (Off with her head!) - Alice in Wonderland paperweight. - A white rabbit was use to test the T-virus. - To enter the hive they go through a mirrored door (through the looking glass). - The Red Queen also succeeds in cutting off "her" head - the medic in the laser hallway. - Kaplan worries about time, as the White Rabbit does. (Mentioned in commentary) - Matt is sitting on the ledge when Rain and JD hear the first zombie. This is mentioned in the commentary as a reference to the Caterpillar.
Quotes: Red Queen: You're all going to die down here.
Rain: All the people that were working here are dead. Spence: Well, that isn't stopping them from walking around.
Not too many video game to movies work out. This one is the exception. A great Zombie action movie that has enough of the game to keep with tradition but still does its own thing. Highly recommended.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Se7en (1995)

Plot: Police drama about two cops, one new and one about to retire, after a serial killer using the seven deadly sins as his MO.
Tag Line: Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light.
Trivia: The victim tied to the bed for a year was not an animatronic model, but a very skinny actor made up to look even more corpse-like. Rob Bottin used a set of exaggerated teeth to make the head look smaller and more shrunken from malnutrition.
While filming the scene where Mills chases John Doe in the rain, Brad Pitt fell and his arm went through a car windscreen, requiring surgery. This accident was worked into the script of the film.

Quotes:David Mills: Yeah, a landlord's dream: a paralyzed tenant with no tongue. William Somerset: Who pays the rent on time.
William Somerset: This isn't going to have a happy ending.
[William Somerset looks at an object in the road] David Mills: What do you got? William Somerset: Dead dog. John Doe: I didn't do that.

Seven paved the way for such movies as Saw and Hostel. The savagery and intensity that John Doe employed to commit his crimes were worse than any movie goers had ever seen in American film.
The Sixth Sense (1999)

Plot: A boy who communicates with spirits that don't know they're dead seeks the help of a disheartened child psychologist.
Tag Line: Not every gift is a blessing.
Trivia: Is one of only four horror films to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Picture.
When Cole and his mother are sitting in the kitchen, there is a glass on the table that you can only get in Philadelphia. It originally comes filled with Penn Maid sour cream which is not readily available anywhere else.
According to M. Night Shyamalan, Donnie Wahlberg lost 43 pounds for the role.

Quotes: Vincent Gray: Do you know why you're afraid when you're alone? I do. I do.
Cole Sear: You ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck? \Malcolm Crowe: Yes. Cole Sear: And the tiny hairs on your arm, you know when they stand up? That's them. When they get mad... it gets cold.
This was M. Night Shyamalan's break out film. Everyone talked about it and was impressed. I will be surprised if any of you have not seen it.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Plot outline: A nurse, a policeman, a street gang member, his wife, a salesman, and other survivors of a worldwide plague that is producing aggressive, flesh-eating zombies, take refuge in a mega Midwestern shopping mall.
Tagline: When the undead rise, civilizationwill fall.
Trivia: According to director Zack Snyder, Starbucks Coffee refused to be featured in the film.
For the scene where Ana stitches Kenneth's wounds, the director hired a real nurse for the close-ups. She misunderstood the director's directions to go deeper and inadvertently punctured Ving Rhames' skin and stitched the prosthesis to his arm. He didn't say anything until after the scene was done filming and the director thought the blood was merely "a really good effect".
Quotes: Michael: Look, there's no point in arguing about this, all right? We need a solution. We need... we need to get some food over there. Steve: Yeah, OK, I have an idea. We draw straws and the loser runs across the lot with a ham sandwich.
I am not a huge fan of the zombie genre but this one always makes me feel nervous when I watch it. The thought of being out numbered and stranded with thousands of people waiting to eat me is just not pleasant.
Stir of Echoes (1999)

Tag Line: In every mind there is a door that has never been opened.
Trivia: The hypnosis sequence in which Tom (Kevin Bacon) is hypnotized for the first time follows actual hypnosis techniques used by professional hypnotists. In order to ensure that the audience hasn't been put to sleep (and some susceptible people have been), there's a musical accent at the close of the sequence to wake everyone up.
During the hypnosis session, Kevin Bacon is told to imagine a movie theatre where everything is painted black (walls, chairs, everything but the screen). Later, during the rape scene, a stereo plays "Paint it black" by The Rolling Stones.
quotes: Lisa: It doesn't surprise me that there's another woman. Of course, the fact that she's dead gives one pause.
Jake Witzky: Don't be afraid of it, Daddy.

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sleppy Hollow (1999)

Tim Burton's vision is flawless. There really is not a lot more to say other than watch it, love it.
The Messengers (2007)

Plot Outline: An ominous darkness invades a seemingly serene sunflower farm in North Dakota, and the Solomon family is torn apart by suspicion, mayhem and murder.
Trivia: None worth repeating.
Quotes: Jess: [to her brother] You see them too... don't you?
The thing I liked best about this movie was that it had thrills and scares in all the right places but in the end you felt resolution without comprising the story. The whole who really is the bad guy element to the plot was brilliant.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Ginger Snaps Back

Species (1995)
Plot Outline: A message from outer space contains instructions on how to modify human DNA.
Tag Line: For three million years, the human race has been at the top of the evolutionary ladder. Nothing lasts forever
Trivia: During the production, MGM opted not to shoot the "nightmare train" sequence to keep costs down. H.R. Giger was not willing to accept that, however, so he spent $100,000 of his own money to finance the sequence.
An early draft of the script had the young Sil calmly killing a friendly cab driver. In an effort to keep the audiences sympathy for her character (and to make the murder of the porter more shocking) the scene was changed to Sil killing a tramp in self defense after he attempts to attack her.

Quotes: Xavier Fitch: I'm sorry. Young Sil: [mouthing] I'm sorry.
Xavier Fitch: We decided to make it female so it would be more docile and controllable. Preston Lennox: More docile and controllable, eh? You guys don't get out much.
A bunch of scientists receive genetic blueprints from space telling them how to combine human and alien DNA together to create a hybrid. Maybe this is not a good idea but hey why not go for it right? So the experiment named Sil works a bit too well and now we want to destroy "her". She of course has that pesky survival instinct and does not want to die, fancy that. She escapes and creates havoc across L.A. in her attempts to silence that biological clock that is ticking. Special team follows and a show down between man and alienish creature ensues.
Thirteen Ghosts ( 2001)

Of all the creature makeup created for the film, "The Angry Princess" required the longest time to apply at five hours.