I know that a lot of bloggers out there take themselves very seriously. I am not one of them. It is too hard to try and think of something really profound to write about. I like to settle for mildly entertaining. When I start getting serious about a topic I end up trying to make the all important "point" and that can get ugly fast. Besides as I have said many times before I am lazy. I have a type B personality that just would rather drift smoothly down stream than fight the current to hard. Not saying I am a conformist. My friends tell me I am one of the oddest people they have ever met. It makes me blush. I enjoy laughter and try to turn any situation into a humorous one. This is not always for the best but hey we all have to have a hobby. Yes I have a talent for witty repartee. Most of the time I am the butt of my own jokes. If you cannot laugh at you, well then you are going to feel really dumb when you realize you are the only one who is not.

My laid back, no nonsense attitude is a source of contention between me and my conspiracy theorist hubby. I still remember when we first discussed the whole "big Brother" privacy issue. First of all I agree with him that there is always more going on that we know about. I agree that we probably have less privacy than we think due to govt monitoring. Does this bother me? Not really. Why?
A- I cannot do anything about it. Besides I feel a little safer knowing that they have their ears to the ground.
B- I am very boring and not worth monitoring. Seriously, who would watch a reality TV show about me? Heck, I wouldn't.
Poor J. Little does he know that he is pretty boring too. I grew up with the knowledge that somehow I always got caught when I was bad. It is sort of an odd family legacy passed down to each generation. I would never excel in a life of crime. In the movie of life I am just the comic relief.
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