Tis the season to go nutty. Christmas is probably my favorite time of year. I love to give gifts but hate shopping for them. I always aim to be done shopping by thanksgiving at the latest. On a good year I am done before Halloween. My Christmas cards are always done and ready to send on black Friday. If you are unfamiliar with black Friday you are obviously not a woman with a long list of relatives to shop for. Sure there are lots of great sales the day after thanksgiving but is it really worth loosing an eye? I say nay nay. The only time I go out on black Friday is to drop the cards in the mailbox. J always braves the madness for that "great buy" but he is over six foot tall and tends to look p.o.'ed a lot. Who is gonna mess with that? Short little me with my dopey grins to complete strangers however is prime cut for holiday scavengers.
This year Mom and I are going half each on a large professional rolling toolbox for J. Mom got me some bath & body works products and a huge gift certificate to Borders Books. (yes we pick out our own gifts in this family.) Mom is getting a family tree necklace with the birthstones of her mother, herself, J, Me, Rory, Baby (who will be in April). Rory is gonna make out like a king. His list is too long to go through and it keeps getting bigger! Oh well, Christmas morning is for the little ones in my opinion. They wait all year for birthdays and Christmas. Two days a year that should be as magical as possible.

Speaking of magic, anyone have possessed toys? Rory got this fisher price ride sometime in the last year that like to play music when all alone. It creeps me out.
I'm glad we don't do Chrsitmas, particularly. I told my dad around Amory's birthday there's no need to go crazy buying her things because we buy her so much all the time it's ridiculous! I'll be happy with my pagan holiday and my naked bonfire dancing.