I have really tried to stay away from the strike topic. Alas the lure has proved too powerful for me to ignore. I was trying to be understanding but when Heroes ran out of scripts and had to do a quicky ending I was livid. Do not mess with my TV lineup! Are they going to get this handled soon? Once Christmas is over there will be no reason for the inane movies that are currently playing in place of your favorite program. Broadway came to their resolution quickly but damage had already been done. Thousands of people with reservations and tickets in NYC cancelled so they would not loose money. I think it was somewhere in the millions for lost revenue.

In January quite a few new series' are slated to begin and several are going to return from major cliffhangers. Will it actually happen? Who knows. One show I am looking forward to is the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Summer Glau who you may remember from Firefly is going to play a young female terminator. Yay! The whole cast looks great. Once a week I will get my Terminator fix. Life is good. Unless the writers mess with my mechanical pre-apocalyptic TV goodness. In which case I might have to play terminator instead of Ms. Glau.
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