I finally got my wish for snow. Well sort of. It's more icy pellets blanketing my backyard but I am confidant that this is just a taste of things to come. My only concern is the neighbors tree. Last year a big branch broke about halfway and is leaning over my fence. Might need to go talk about getting that gone so that my fence does not go down on night under the weight of an ice laden tree branch. The dogs are unsure of this new all white backyard. Lily makes it her mission to christen a spot yellow. Then she proceeds to her ice hunting hobby. Really there is nothing better than chewing on large chunks of ice when you are a husky. Linus is a little more picky. He has to mill around for a less white spot to do his business. Then he is off to roll on the deck. By the time I let him back in the house he is sopping wet. He has used my hair dryer more than I do.
Our Christmas tree is up and some outdoor lights as well. Rory loves the lights. We go driving around the neighborhood and he goes nuts pointing and chattering. He has got the right spirit!
It's eeeeeviiiiil I tell you, plain EVIL!