Friday, May 11, 2007

AntiSpider Propaganda

Spiders seem to be the theme today. For some reason they were on my mind last night and then again today. My friend Bradford found a whole nest of them in her basement. She said I would have had a fit. Quite right Bradford! There are few things that will make me move the kitchen stove. I do not even clean under it before company comes. If a spider should run there to hide though all bets are off. I do not just hate spiders I loathe them. I will not rest until I can identify the dead body of any arachnid intruder. Why am I become so hostile you ask? I have my reasons.

My mother had a house built when I was in the eighth grade. After we moved in we noticed we were not alone. These wood spiders the size of my hand would just run across the floor. Thankfully I have cats. They loved to chase them. This is not what really turned me against spiders. Not one of my fondest memories but I understand that our house deprived them of their previous habitat. I am not heartless, I was all for relocation. Them not me, of course. I even tried to run them out the back door so they would not have to die. I did not think having all eight legs ripped off by a cat was a nice death.

Then they had to go and draw first blood. Not once but twice I have been the midnight snack for a brown recluse. I did not even know it until the bite began to do what most brown recluse bites do. If you have never seen the damage a brown recluse can do, spare yourself. Having said that you are going to go Google it right now huh?

Anyways, I was lucky and did not get the nasty lesions some people do. The Doctor gave me some cream and fixed me right up. I do have a small scar though. The first time I let it slide. The second time I decided something must be done. Form then on if I saw a spider I killed it. This might require stake outs on my part but they all fell to my wrath in the end. I do not discriminate, I want all spiders to die.

I like to see them at the zoo though.