Monday, May 7, 2007

Brain atrophy and the cat language

When did my brain stop working? When did I become so easy to confuse? I am going to blame it on kids. I have a serious case of mommy brain. Not that I was brilliant before but I am seriously stunted in mental capacity. Sure I have a big vocabulary and can say words like "cognitive reasoning" with confidence but if you cannot think of the rest of the sentence to go with it your shot. You can't just bust out with "Cognitive reasoning!" when the conversation turns to you.
In the recent weeks following the great antidepressant change I have found that my attention span is that of a fruit fly. My mom tried three times to get my attention while I was watching "The Tudors". Poor girl never managed to get it either. She finally told me she quit. About five minutes later I looked over and she wasn't there. I wondered "Where did mom go?" I wonder if the good people who made effexor intended the user to enter a state of mild catatonia. See another big word. Go me.
Another little gem from my world, my son refuses to speak. I know he is only 18 mos old and I am only slightly concerned. Other kids his age are saying "baby", " bye-bye", and "puppy", Rory won't even say "Mama" or "Dada". He does have one word he says regularly. Meow. Yep my baby speaks cat. Too bad I don't . He has his check up on Thursday so I will bring it up with the Doc. I am sure he is just taking his time like he did with walking. The way he babbles endlessly (like his mother...) tell me that he is capable of speech, just has nothing to talk to me about.
I have a lot of spelling errors when I blog I noticed. I promise that I CAN spell. I try to type as fast as I talk and my hands are just not that fast. So please write off any mistakes as enthusiasm. I promise to try and spell check before I post so that you do not go insane trying to real bridget-ese.
I can hear Rory playing Frisbee with my coasters again. Thankfully they are only J's "Simpson's" coasters. We are a very high class family, can you tell? Yep, nothing but the finest Sam's Choice has to offer for us. Seriously though, I love Walmart. Not when I have to go grocery shopping. Then I feel like i am on my way into the seventh ring of hell. On the rare occasion that all I am there for is frivolities though, bliss. I especially love it when I can leave empty handed yet satisfied. I walk passed all the annoyed consumers in the back of a 3 mile long check out line feeling spiffy about life.
Target is a favorite of mine. All of my friends like target. Turn us loose there and its like we are suddenly in Saks or something. Not that I have ever been in a Saks, but I can imagine. Of all the shopping opportunities available my true vice is large bookstores.
Borders, and Barnes, and Bam oh my! (note to reader: BAM is Books a million)
I walk in and see shelves taller than me (not saying much I know) lined with novels. Sometimes I get teary. I always try to take J with me for the top shelf. He comes in handy sometimes being that he is a whole foot taller than me. I only allow him to retrieve items for me though. I call him on his cell phone and have him meet me in a specific specific aisle. Why isn't he allowed to stay with me as I peruse you ask? Well you see I read a lot of romance. It is not all I read but about 90%. Some of it has a sci-fi or horror flavor to it but ultimately a love story. The titles for said books can be a bit corny. J likes to read them in his best breathy porn star voice. I am not amused. I would tease him for his reading choices but I cannot read computer code. He also like Dean Koontz and I cannot speak such blasphemy about him.
J likes to come up behind me when I am reading (i.e. completely oblivious to the world around me) and start reading aloud to irritate me. He uses "the voice" here too. He has learned that I can hit hard with a heavy book in hand. In case your wondering how I got into romance, funny story. I asked my grandmother about sex when I was probably in the 7th grade and she tossed me my first romance. Hey I said it was a funny story not a long one.
She has read romance and westerns for as long as I can remember. Always two or three going at a time. I average around four books a week. I think we have a speed read gene. Right now I am completely stocked up. Just had my 23rd birthday and spent around $150 to get several titles I was interested in. In the end I had 18 new books to read.
I think it is time to hop off. Rory us too quiet. I need to go and make sure he is not planning a revolt or world domination.

1 comment:

  1. Claire is somewhat the same way. She says "mama" "dada" and various othe baby type noises, but the only thing she'll actually say to anyone is "day dew" (thank you). She won't call me mama. It's kind of strange, but I think you have it topped with the cat talk. I think as long as he babbles you just need to give him some time.
