Five of ten that where made. Each basket had two movie passes and one give certificate for dinner, and a combination of candles, lotion, massage oil, free Joe's Crab Shack appetizer, nail file, foot salve, bath fizzes, pair of patriotic earrings, makeup brushes in a carry pouch, and a thank you card for all they sacrifice for America.

On the top is actually my good friend Hollin and her youngest of three kiddos. That is going to be his Easter basket once his mommy takes all her goodies out of it! Her hubby will be back from in July. They are planning a big trip to WDW after he returns.
On the bottom is R and her two gorgeous girls. Bradford threw her name into the hat as another woman who could use a little uplifting. She is a very tiny woman but so full of joy! Not only has she been taking care of her two munchkins but she runs a home daycare on the base! She helps out a lot of Servicemen and women everyday. Her husband is still currently deployed. Please keep him in your prayers!
Now we have M on the top. For a while it seemed we were destined to be two ships passing in the night! We played a lot of phone tag. In the end we managed to meet up so I could hand off her basket. Such a pretty young woman. Can you tell she just left a spinning class? I wish I looked that fresh and put together after a work out!
On the bottom is S. Another woman who is a real asset to the USAF. She also does the home daycare thing on base. The state and the base are both very strict with these ladies. It takes an amazing person to meet all the requirements and do such a fantastic job with our children. What a blessing they are!
Both of their husbands are still currently deployed. Please keep them in your prayers!
Mr. and Mrs S.
I was so excited that I caught a husband back from a recent deployment and at home. The fact that he was still in his uniform was just icing on the cake! You know those smiles are not for me. They are there because of how happy they are to be together again! I am so happy that they are going to have a chance to go out on the town soon for dinner and a movie!
This project has been such a blessing in my life. Five other women got baskets. One was delivered to a couple that had been back together for a week after an 18month separation. Each of these ten ladies had a different story that touched me profoundly. I think this is the part where I want to thank all the people and places that made this dream a reality.
Ryan who is the General Manager at Wehrenberg Theaters. He donated over $180 in free movie tickets!
17th St. Grill
54th Street Grill
Chevy's Fresh Mex
Joe's Crab Shack
and Smokey Bones
And of course Grace Church, Bradford, Shelly, Parker, and Haseman! If I forgot someone I am so sorry, please do not be offended. I could not have done it with out you!
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