I pride myself on being less delusional than the average human being when it comes to my own short comings. I do not see them all but I think the vast majority are documented. My new found need to become a Martha Stewart housekeeper is a huge improvement on my normal domestic skills. Martha would still have a cow at the lack of organization but I do not cringe when someone shows up on my doorstep. The recent bout of illness that swept through my house took no prisoners. I fell of the wagon and had to start over. Didn't have to worry about anyone in my house since we were all viral time bombs nut with the crises averted it is back to business as usual. The house smells like a pine forest now. Reminds me of TX without all the allergies.

Mom, Aunt B, and GG are in TX as we speak trying to fix a few details that are holding up the sale of Mom's house. I am taking advantage of the absence of extra bodies. Besides a good scrubby I plan to ditch, organize, and simplify. I have never been a minimalist but as my children grow so do the amount of stuff they own. Since I am not uber rich I cannot afford a house for each of us so I must streamline all the unused and uneeded junk that piles up so quickly. One thing this recent mass cohabitation with my extended family has taught me is that I could not be a mother of many. Kate Gosselin and that woman with the 18 kids whose name escapes, hats off to you ladies! I do not have your strength.
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