I am not a neat person. I procrastinate. I make excuses. Anything to get out of cleaning. I do what I absolutely have to so that my house does not become a landfill. Toxic but not a total dump. Well that is over. I have found the Fly Lady. It is a real simple system to get your house clean and organized. You see I live in chaos. I have said it so many times I have lost count. I just did not know that chaos stands for Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome.
Now I am learning to F.L.Y. or Finally Love Yourself. It is slow going since I am working in baby steps. Don't want to burn out before I get going good. My first task was to shine my sink. I have to keep my sink shiny. Sounds easy right? Well that requires keeping up with all dishes all day. I suck at that. But since I have to keep my sink shiny the task seems simpler. The house is broken into zones. Chores are divided by days. It is less work than I usually tried to accomplish in a day but actually gets more done. I even have allotted time for morning bible study and prayer. One prayer is that I can stay true to the Fly Lady's system.
So I am off to shine my sink.
I tried that. I just don't care about my sink that much, lol. And the getting dressed to the shoes doesn't work in my house. Shoes inside are NOT ok. Good luck though!