That was in a newsletter i received from one of my favorite authors. It was her response to fans questioning the sudden appearance of bodyguards at book signing and events. She said that someone had told her that "famous" quote long ago and it saddened her to have to use it. I think it stinks that she cannot enjoy being with her fans for fear of who might be a little to enthusiastic. Stalking takes time and energy. I am too lazy to get that involved. However it does remind me of a time when I was obsessed with celebrities along with my girlfriends.
I remember in 5th grade that all the girls were in love with Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Remember the middle son on Home Improvement? He was however the personal property of my friend Holly. In her mind at least. There were three girls in my group. Holly, Lauren, and Meghan. Lauren, Meghan, and I were not allowed to have posters or any other JTT merchandise. (don't tell but I did have one poster.)

In case you were wondering who my celebrity crush was the answer is Johnathon Brandis. He starred on SeaQuest DSV every Saturday night. The show was good but I was really only there for the eye candy.

Sadly he died a few years ago from complications after an attempted suicide. I was sad that one of the biggest crushs from my youth had passed. It was like a small chapter of my life was finished that day. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.
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